Why is Pandaria so fun?

the main thing for me is that the quests are a big story, not 1 off “kill x number of mobs” or “get Y number of items”. its also very pretty and the music is nice.

also the jokes are… well… funny. as a kid i loved the hozen and all there “dooks”. also like Stormstout Brewery. my fav quote ingame is from there, being “Those are OUR flying…beer monsters?”

i say i like the story but have ever only finished the first zones story before moving on caz i get over levelled. next toon that goes there i may do the lev lock so i can hang out there more

There are those of us who have been on forums since Vanilla, they all had their issues.

Pandaria is an amazing continent! Probably my favorite so far! It’s so calm and relaxing and the music is just fantastic. The story is amazing! I love everything about Pandaria but the mantids. I like the concept and how the zone is a little bit harder than the other zones in Pandaria but I hate them.

…and creepy Andi from the farm, is never growing that damn beard!!

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I suddenly want an updated farm.

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I loved the mantids! The things they said! Oh my!

Nicely said! That’s it exactly. And I loved my bed in my farmhouse. I used to go to sleep there when I logged out.

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Hate it for the worst, meandering flight paths in the game.

Oh dailys? Kk take flight, bio, make food, there yet?

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I would say MoP was something different. People reacted harshly with MoP at the start but by the end people were okay with the expansion for the most part. SoO story was iffy at best but the overall story was still cohesive enough for players to embrace.

So like WotLK, MoP had a slow start but finished strong. If it was not for the content drought I think MoP would be remembered a lot more fondly. Same with WotLK IMO.

This is also a lesson in that if Blizz doesn’t give up on an expansion they can improve an expansion if they stumble early.

I really wish I experienced the full extent of Mists of Pandaria.

I was away for half of the expansion due to health problems and being in hospital :frowning:

I started playing back in MoP and it will always be the expansion I hold closest to my heart. Every single zone is amazing with visuals and the quests you do. Some specs were a lot better back then as well. I still wish I would have done the challenge modes for the unique armor sets classes got from them.

I, Donny Kawano, am glad that you’re better now!

If it helps, MoP had an entire year without any additional content. So, skip half, play half, you actually experienced all of it! :stuck_out_tongue:

GTA Vice city with it’s bright colours and ridiculous action was way more beloved that dreary dark GTA4 and it’s “gritty realism”

Sometimes it’s nice to just goof off.

There were two main groups who complained about MoP:

  1. OMG pandas like Kung Fu Panda!
  2. Legit complainers about hating rep grinds behind rep grinds.

They fixed the gating issue. But there was no help for the people who wouldn’t give a “cute” race a shot and dismissed a whole expac based on that. But the expac did pretty well and, importantly, it hung on to subs even through a content drought. LFR was VERY active late in the expac.


Definitely my favorite xpac! I love leveling cooking, so the cooking progression, while grindy at times, was awesome for me. :dancer:

It flowed really well. Great design.

It was alot of fun… 7 years ago. It is a bit of a stretch to put some shadow effects over the zones and re-use them the way 8.3 does.

MoP was an extremely underrated expansion. Yeah it had its issues, they all do. But for me it’s probably in my top 3 WoW expansions, at worst #4.

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Mists of Pandaria was my absolute favorite expansion!

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The weather is the only good part.