Why is Pandaria so fun?

We’re never getting an aged up Li Li. :sob: Also Chen’s side story was one of the best in the game.

Honestly that was one of my favorite expansions. Loved the look of the zones, the quests are fun. The lore was great.


And this is the reason I will never move to SoCal.

That and the weather.

It was a nice play through… I quit at the tail end of MoP. WoD had such terrible reviews combined with my computer being too weak to play it. Coming back now only to get to relive that area again in Vision questing fit perfect for me personally.

MoP is probably my favorite expansion thus far. I like all zones but the one with the mantids, can’t stand those things. The quests were enjoyable, the music and art is very nice, but calm relaxed demeanor of most of the npcs is nice as well.
I always try to level slowly when I take alts through and I want to complete as much as I can, but eventually I want to keep moving on. Someday I’ll take some high level alts back through and do everything slowly that I didn’t complete before.
Still wish we kept the farm as kind of a home for our alts.
Never did get cooking leveled fully there though, those final banquets are a pain in the butt.

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Pandaria has fantastic artwork, and good story, and a lot of conceptual unity. I’m glad that they used the Vale for 8.3 content, and I’d really love to see more old assets used for new content going forward.


Who doesn’t like year round sunshine !? :open_mouth: Plus we have In and out, beaches, blizzard is in irvine so you can go visit :slight_smile: and we have the best tacos you’ve ever tasted.

Disregard this person. No one should come to California. We’re full. Please go elsewhere.


I grew up in Texas and I moved away for a reason. Seriously, I never want to live in the South again. It’s hot, it’s sunny, it’s depressing.

I have that here.

Yes, you have beaches, as long as no one wants to go into the ocean. The Pacific coast is the coldest ocean current in America. I’d rather fly across the country to go to the Atlantic.

Something I honestly never have an urge for. I don’t actually like Blizzard that much, mostly I just play the games because my friends do.

Again, Texas, you really don’t. San Antonio does.

One thing I always look forward to the most whenever I level in Pandaria, is meeting Lorewalker Cho.

I just love listening to the stories and admiring his knowledge of Pandaria, never gets old,imo.

He’s like the Pandaren version of Deckard Cain.


That’s what we call a potty break.

You silly texans, always thinking everything is better in texas. You don’t have out beautiful Mediterranean climate! And you just wear a wet suit. Water isn’t that cold down here. I surf almost year round. It’s up in SF that you don’t want to surf. Too cold and too many sharks.

I would bet my La Jolla taco stand against anything texas can dish out. Taco == life.

I switched my main to this guy because of that expansion.

For me, the focus was so much on learning the culture of the Pandaren as much as it was the faction war. You really got to know them, their history, and the other races there. I enjoyed that immensely and thought it was all well written.


But your run animation…

I never cared for leveling the place because of it’s on rails questing. First time is ok, but bringing alts through is annoying.

Much prefer quest hubs and the freedom to complete things how I want to compared to lead you by the nose, this is your next task.

I used to not like Pandaria but lately I have begun to like it. I’m leveling my rogue there now.

I love that area as well. However, I think you feel so free when you get an alt to Pandaria because the grind from 60-80 is terrible and boring.

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No, but the tacos definitely are. Hard pass on Baja Cali food.

I’m sure Texas doesn’t. I’m equally sure I don’t want to live in year-round sunshine, so I’m not sure why it matters. I think you missed the fact I left Texas because of the sun so why would I move somewhere else for the sun.

So it defeats the purpose of actually going to the beach.

The ocean tempurature off the southern CA coast reaches a high of 68 degrees during the summer. That’s cold. I’ve been there, I got in, I got out, I went to go find a blanket. The Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf are beaches were you don’t freeze to death.

Also you don’t have to have a full body wetsuit just to enjoy being in the ocean.

I tried living in Seattle for awhile, and got seasonal depression. The sun is good for you!

I wear a wetsuit to surf, and it’s mostly to avoid chaffing. I also wear bathing suits. During the summer it’s not bad at all. Your body also adjusts, so after the first five minutes you just feel normal.

We also don’t have ice storms, hurricanes, tornadoes, humidity, etc. With the sea breeze socal is a perpetual paradise of 75 degrees and sunny if you live in the right areas.

The sun is replaced with Vitamin D. That solves seasonal depression.

I don’t have that here either.

I am highlighting the problem for you.