Why is everyone freaking out

Shadows has had since August 2019 to put in the work to acquire purple gear, if purple gear is important to them.

It’s almost like no one actually cares about pvp they just want easy epics lol

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What’s the matter little baby, do you think Blizzard should give you a level 58 character and a full set of purples just for swiping your credit card and spending a few hours in BGs? Waaah! Waaaah! Waaah!

BG’s aren’t the only thing in the game

People are freaking out because they are all old gamers who cant actually handle TBC like they could as kids because of “time” (and thus should leave and go try Retail) or they are Retailers who wants easy Epics, because thats what they are used to in Retail (Again, go back to Retail) and want to ENSURE that Dungeons are very, VERY easy and that they can level immediately so they can immediately get back to their true addiction, crying constantly on the forums about how “easy the game is” and how leveling was “too fast”. Its some kind of psychosis or something.

Thats literally it. Thats what these people have become. Its disgusting, I know.

No but a MMO shouldnt have groups forming to AFK and auto lose.

Its all a setup for the WoW token release next week for GDKPs before Launch…I am excited!

You do realize that pre-patch in Vanilla we could buy HWL/GM gear with Honor right? I took two characters through the Dark Portal kitted out with it. Has nothing to do with boosting.

People were definitely gear gating folks on the beta and a lot of them had a “no boosts” approach.

WoW is not a competition.

It’s about two factions at war. It’s literally called WARcraft. How is it not a competition?

He is very emotional right now.

They’re weird.

They talk about how Classic and TBC are great because of community, gear progression…

And then they make community toxic and go to great extent to skip gearing.

Got forbid you get some gear in hellfire dungeons.


Ugh, yes I also have a retail account. No I don’t swap my character every time I post on a forum. Are you sure you’re fully mentally capable?

You still can buy it. No one is stopping you.

Cool, in that case you should go spend your time playing retail where there are adequate training wheels and catchup mechanics for the laziest, least-common-denominator portion of this game’s playerbase.

You should put a scarf on, your neck beard is showing.

None of you morons actually know the exact amount of honor in TBC Pre-Patch people were suppose to be getting and neither does Blizzard. They’re going off different clients. Honor Kills are definitely broken. Everyone should not be a “Private” and getting 2-3 honor per kill. Should be somewhere near the 30s and 40s per kill then take into diminishing returns after that.

Honor points you earn now does not get wiped when TBC starts.

Honor is bugged currently. You are getting the prepatch bg nerf and the 2.3 post nerfs stacked on top of each other.

people expected it to be the sameway it was 15 years ago… blizzard just decided to make it impossible this time around for whatever reason

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… Yes. A new expansion is the promise of a fresh start, if you are so attached to your “power” that you have gained over the last two years that you would rather new and returning players to feel like they will always behind the curve then it’s not us that needs a reality check, it’s you.

Classic is over for those moving on to TBCC, the hard work you put into is being wiped clean for a fresh slate. If you spent that time during classic for the express purpose of getting the gear than you missed the point of classic.

It’s not about the gear, it’s the journey to getting that gear. Yesterday people were having fun taking their next steps on that journey by getting gear they felt was relevant for TBC start before TBC even started.

Now every single person I’ve talked to personally has given up on PVP because it’s no longer part of that journey. I can imagine that is going to be a negative to people who love PvP also, and have been having a grand time with fast queues and plenty of under geared opponents to crush.

Basically everyone was having fun for one reason or another except for people like you who seems to have a problem with it for… Reasons?..

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go queue some warfronts or whatever they are called and farm your anima powers and welfare legendaries… torghast awaits you!