It’s the same size as every other Drake mount, isn’t it?
You should be able to carry your 40 man raid on Deathwings back.
People trying to get to mailboxes and the like used to say otherwise. It was used to block stuff or stand on stuff, if I remember the complaints correctly. People even used to do it to stand on rares so they couldn’t be targeted.
Lots of people. If I have a quest turnin in the stormwind castle, I can fly in the front door, up the hall, and land right in front of throne. Sometimes I can even fly right by the throne into the courtyard next to it and finally I’m dismounted. That’s my record.
Large mounts have large hit boxes and are clumsy to navigate even outdoors, through forests, around buildings, between anything. Really big, easy to see targets in wpvp too.
Pretty dang close. I think setting you up higher on deathwing may throw people off a bit [giving an impression he’s smaller], but the drakes aren’t off in size by much that I can see.
I saw a good example on why that nerf was put in place in the early part of the 15th anniversary event. I saw players using some kind of size buff then getting on a Clefthoof mount in attempt to block Chromie. Blizzard fixed it later by forcing dismounts when near her, but it reminded me on one reason why we have size restrictions on our mounts. Players will troll with them.
I need to get the biggening trinket.
You have the toys to do so if you wish.
you sound like gigabear, your name is sort of similar too.
Don’t be a coward, make it 5x!
The head needs to be larger.
Yes that’s what we want, people like you with giant mounts sitting on top of a mailbox and/or doing a slow walk on it around to so people look at you because you’re starved for attention.
He’s not world breaking anything blizz is doing him wrong.
Yeah he’s a bit small compared to some other dragons. Feels wierd
Also, when someone blocks something with a mount, just drag the camera into your character into 1st person mode, walk to it and problem solved. You’re able to click/kill/interact as you wish
Why doesn’t the Deathwing mount conflagrate an entire zone