Why I think Race-Class combinations ARE important, and removing restrictions could be harmful

Prior to eventually being comically insane geniuses - Goblins in their primal states while under Troll control were very shamanistic. The modern / current Goblins still very much are - there are quests through out cata that detail this, they dare not to seek older ancestors / spirits due to not knowing about money / wealth, cause older generations are such bummers, and only go back a few generations.

The elements originally turned their back on the Goblins due to their rapid tech increase and damage to the surrounding areas. Though Goblins being Goblins, the masters of their craft; Contracts - became able to barter / broker a deal with anyone and anything.

It is said that Goblin Warlocks actually, who, so crafty in their trade is what inspired Goblin Shamans to return. Though elementals being a bit more untrusting required form of payment first before making a contract. This often would be promises of a trinket to amp up the elemental’s power greatly to sign the contract, and trinket would outright fail right after the deal is made, locking the elemental(s) into an inescapable bargain that would make Goblin Locks smile.

Well… all but one goblin shaman who was too green and inexperienced in their own life style nearly got pounded by his own fire elemental until a new deal was made.

This set up can go great with Goblin Paladins. Since Goblin Priests are literally Televangelist; Pay for a Prayer / Gold to cure that Cold Scheme. A few goblin priests even make little jokes about having some muscle go door to door with a collection plate.

Now, goblins though vastly comical are devious and truly tactful like no other race (even gnomes can’t compare here). They put their mind and devotion into ways of achieving gold, despite it being honorable to greatly less than will maximize those efforts. This is were I parrot,

While other will go back and forth with what they feel. there are certainties that are well with in the lore even if the “race” in question doesn’t seem like it would truly fit.