Why I quit playing World of Warcraft

I quit during Cataclysm after someone at Blizzard ruined the rogue class. Specifically, they nerfed the energy regeneration rate of rogues. If you compare the fact that this is not a hybrid class to that of mages, druids, priests, and warlocks, their energy resource never nearly takes a beating during combat. My mage and warlock mana pool is always full. For my rogue however, I usually have to drink a ton of thistle tea during a fight. I find this concept to be absolutely ridiculous and unreasonable as well as unrealistic in terms of logic for someone who simple is wielding daggers.

Rogue’s were my favorite class to play and I loved PVP with them because of the stealth. Someone at Blizzard during Cataclysm decided to nerf not only my main class character bit also deleveled all my characters along with everyone elses. They also took away all the progress of my crafting and made it so everyone starts over after every new expansion. I absolutely /quit over this, along with all my friends and family.

However, back to the rogue class…I hate that I need to spend hours of research on how to be effective in combat with the rogue and also how they constantly change things often in the form of making things worse instead of better. The energy depletion is a real thorn in my side when it comes to the rogue. I used to see rogue’s doing top dps in raids and now I feel privileged if I can even find a spot in a raid because my damage is so poor. Classes are so unbalanced in such an unrealistic way. I can run tier 8 delves on my warlock pet class but my rogue or warrior at the same item level or better has a really bad time with it. On my mage it is definitely easier than the rogue or warrior but it is still harder for him than the warlock who has less gear, and on any of my casters I never have to watch my mana bar because it is always full.
The rogue’s depletion rate on energy is so annoying it makes me want to quit again.

Also, the rogue’s attacks don’t feel like they are hitting anything, unlike with my warrior. When I fight with my warrior I can feel the attacks but the rogue has me asking if this thing is working…

It’s so stupid. Why do I have to constantly drink tea during a fight just to be able to swing a couple of daggers, which happen to be the lightest weapons in the game. This class has been nerfed for a decade. And the not so new covenant ability still doesn’t make any sense to me. I would rather it wasn’t taking up a spot on my cast bar next to my stupid thistle tea.

I tried sub and outlaw and sub is not near what it used to be in BC. Outlaw I find way too complicated to play with the stupid dice upkeep.

I feel like this game has gotten ridiculously complicated to the point that I have to study like I am in college again in order to simply play the character I want to play. I will give Blizzard some credit in that they highlight what buttons to push for maximum effect. It helps a lot. But the rogue energy depletion rate is definitely making me hate playing the game. My warlock with 20 pets doesn’t even ever worry about his power reserve because it never moves. I feel like there is some serious discrepancy there. And of course, rather than improving the rogue’s energy reserve, Blizzard will instead nerf my warlock’s and mage’s mana refresh. I hope they don’t do that because I have been looking at other games that don’t have all these class problems. I can just get on a class in other games and have fun. Warcraft, however…