Why I Hate The Forsaken

10/28/2018 12:19 AMPosted by Vaethria
10/28/2018 12:17 AMPosted by Vivette
Are you trying to make Forsaken fans/players feel bad or something?

The answer to this question, in most Forsaken threads, especially those that have "I Hate the Forsaken" as part of the title, is almost always yes.

I mean to be frank, I liked this thread, it was interesting. Helped me articulate my own hatred for the Gilneans and it also showed that on a fundamental level there are some disagreements that happen because of attitude, rather then malice or lore.

I just find the idea of people having tickets to damnation is personally appalling, it's too fatalistic for my world view. I can't agree on the negative emotions being a deciding factor because I simply don't believe the human spirit is that malleable, nor do I think there's a virtuous uncompromising person that your brain is hardwired not to be.

Ironically, I realize i'm a Forsaken fan because i'm an optimist.
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10/29/2018 03:47 AMPosted by Darethy
I liked this thread, it was interesting. Helped me articulate my own hatred for the Gilneans and it also showed that on a fundamental level there are some disagreements that happen because of attitude, rather then malice or lore.

Because of this, I consider this thread an incredible success.

10/29/2018 03:47 AMPosted by Darethy
Ironically, I realize i'm a Forsaken fan because i'm an optimist.

In the past I have often used words like pessimistic and nihilistic to describe myself, and certainly fatalistic would apply as well. I have used these words, however, as a means to convince myself I didn't need help. Whether I actually am these things or not, I do not know, at least I do not know how much is actually just depression, but I hope to find out. I definitely would not call myself an optimistic person. But then again, my best friend Dierle is the ultimate optimist, and has stuck with me through the worst of me all these years, so at least I've had someone around to insist in hope for me.

Though, to be fair, Dierle also is strongly optimistic that Sylvanas will die this expansion, and not as a martyr, and so tries to keep my spirits up whenever I start to become sure that Blizzard is going to make her Kerrigan 2.0, so even optimism can give people different views on the Forsaken.
Absolutely, i'm not sure where I stand with Sylvanas myself on that front. What I want might not be what the story needs.

My radically different view of the Forsaken themselves seems like a blendo of attitude, culture, and personal upbringing teaching very different lessons about the world. Which isn't surprising, one of my most consistent barriers is all three of those things, but it was nice to actually chat about them and why they developed the way they did.
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10/29/2018 07:28 AMPosted by Darethy
Absolutely, i'm not sure where I stand with Sylvanas myself on that front. What I want might not be what the story needs.

Definitely. That's a message I wish I could have made stronger in my starting post, that what I want probably isn't what the story needs, either. At the very least, there are always better possibilities than we have though up. And worse ones as well, of course.

10/29/2018 07:28 AMPosted by Darethy
My radically different view of the Forsaken themselves seems like a blendo of attitude, culture, and personal upbringing teaching very different lessons about the world. Which isn't surprising, one of my most consistent barriers is all three of those things, but it was nice to actually chat about them and why they developed the way they did.

And it has been a delight to get to talk about these things. Thank you.