Why High Elves Don't Work: A Primer

The High Elves once held traditions of druidism (not like the ways the Cenarions teach) that have since gone by the way side. The Blood Elves developed new social habits that were considered taboo in as much as hair style, fashion, and other such fixtures. The natural course for the High Elves, to differentiate themselves further, would be to dip into and rediscover former traditions.

High Elf Druids, anyone?

After a few generations, maybe.

Trolls do.

According to a few npcs orcs make exceptional beer.

Highmountain, Quel’thalas, Suramar and Lordaeron all either have snow or are noticeably less sunny.

Many Sunreavers who lived in Dalaran, lived there amongst humans long before the Scourge Invasion. So they’ve had quite awhile to develop differently. The devs just didn’t have a reason to depict that ingame since their only task was to act as Thalassian allies of the Alliance.

This is remarkably disingenuous.

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How long do you think it takes?

A few generations. It says right there.

I’ll clarify: You would disagree that significant cultural schisms can happen within a single generation?

It doesn’t seem so farfetched to me. Balkanization can happen rather quickly.

Back when Dalaran was as much a High Elf city as it was a human city? I’m not seeing that as a huge breeding ground for cultural assimilation if I’m being honest.

It’s literally what you said.

You were trying to get his attention with the question, which was both obtuse and loaded. I’ve explained why it’s obtuse, but since you might be having problems with the term loaded let me take a brief moment to explain.

You see how this question of yours has a core assumption that you know will be in dispute or disagreed with? That makes it a ‘loaded question.’

The go to example of such is “Have you stopped beating your wife?”

There becomes no way to answer that question without taking on the loaded assertion as true. Thus it is a loaded question. Rather than choose to believe you’re dishonest, I’m opting to believe you’re ignorant in the hope that this helps you.


oh yeah. forgot. my troll has turquoise hair. lol

Highmountain, Quel’thalas, Suramar and Lordaeron all either have snow or are noticeably less sunny.

i’ll agree to the noticeably less sunny and also recall that some who live in the snowy mountains, have great tans. i’m just thinking of averages

That’s not at all what it was, and this has stopped being productive.

I just hope Belves get a customization for blue eyes in the Shadowlands. Maybe then the Helf topic can finally die.

I also want them because id love to have some! They would match my mog nicely. :smile:


No, it absolutely was. In the question “Have you stopped beating your wife?” the loaded assumption is that you beat your wife. You can’t answer ‘yes’ or ‘no’ without accepting it.

Similarly your question has the loaded assumption that he leans into cultural differences between elves when convenient and dismisses it when it isn’t. He could similarly not answer your question directly without accepting he did that.

Of course the correct answer in both cases is, “What are you talking about you ignorant tool, I don’t (beat my wife/lean into cultural differences between elves when convenient and dismiss it when it isn’t.)” or to simply ignore you.

Honestly, since you’re getting the opportunity to learn so much, I’m surprised that you’re finding this unproductive. This is alot of useful information that you clearly do not have that will help you have productive conversations in the future.


I would love for the belfs to have access to all the eye colors, including blue. Currently, there are 10 belfs in my character selection options. Personally, I want half elves with access to african and asian faces/hair/etc options, as well as caucasian. But i would play a high elf on Alliance in a heartbeat. I tire of having to use the orb of sindorei.


That term doesn’t make any sense in this context. It’s about cultural shift, not about a nation state splitting into smaller states based on long-standing cultural difference within its borders.


Blue eyes for belves wouldn’t kill the helf request which is deeper than a single eye color.



It took less than a generation for the Blood Elves to embrace new cutural ideals and forge new allegiances.

I can’t imagine it’s not impossible to grant that the High Elves could very rapdily do the same.

I’m not sure I agree. Sure, is Balkanzation more about an agitating nation state or in how quickly people with very similar histories can become bitter enemies?

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Well, if it at least lessens the amount of Helf requests than that is a good enough for me.

Nice mog btw. :slight_smile:


and Fel blood elves, less than that. :smiley:
and Void elves, even less than that.
We Thalassians are apparently part chameleon.

You too. Your green eyes already match it nicely though.


I don’t agree that those are things that separate the blood elves and high elves, the only thing that separates them is political affiliation. Neither do I agree that political difference constitutes cultural difference. My next door neighbour has massively different political views to me, but we’re both still of the same culture. So is my brother who moved overseas.