Why High Elves Don't Work: A Primer (Part 1)

no arguments have ever been refuted by pros. they cant have a different model because they are the same people and blizzard already gave you a model different enough from a blood elf(high elf) to justify making an AR around it. the picture in the OP is fanfcition, it doesnt exist and has no bearing on the game. your population argument being compared to gnomes was refuted flat out by the caydiem post with gnomes also being the comparison. that the vast majority of high elves still around identify as blood elf

There are still some High Elves in the land, but the majority of those once known as the Quel’dorei no longer fit the bill of “High Elf”…In short, High Elves are not playable because there are very few true “High Elves” left – far less so than Gnomes. While there are Blood Elves in much larger supply, they are busy with other pursuits alongside Illidan. You’d certainly not see them fighting side by side with the Alliance anytime soon, not after such betrayal.

as for ion said so, well he is just the game director and speaks on behalf of the development team. and the last word was high elves are playable as blood elves, and void elves are another flavor of high elf and there are no plans to add a horde race to the alliance without modification. and the no has out lasted your 2 year mark since 2005 :smile: