We’ve all read it at this point, this op is literally years old. Lydon made the original back when allied races were first announced
The one was created once again because the only other High Elf thread got shut down due to community flags, and we all know there must always be a High Elf thread
Eh, dunno how semantic it is, as opposed to convenient. Up until WC3 they were all High Elves, and it’s less to type than Thalassian elves. It’s just, look, for me, they are still the same race and culture with differences that have not yet at least grown to the magnitude to split them completely. It’s hard to make some of the points for my stance and have to dance around having to write out an extended explanation about how I am referring to the whole of the race and not just either blood or current high elves.
And it’s a pain to have to stop and reargue everything because someone argues against a point that uses the larger collective term by trying to force in the smaller group term.
Like ‘Blood Elves are High Elves’ is like the condensed version of “The Blood Elves are the continuation of the race that in WC2 was referred to as High Elves. They are the next chapter in the history of that race.” We’ve been around this topic so many times, yeah, we don’t want to go into full initial explanatory mode every single time we talk about this.
I wonder if we should try doing a thing where we come up with a list of defined terms for this discussion so we can have a list of terms we can point to that we agree on what they mean. Not going to help with the various people dipping their toes in though.
Like when Vereesa showed up with the alliance forces and brought some ballistae? We can also make the case that 7th Legion High Elf Mages have always been Silver Covenant, but since they weren’t explicitly tagged as such in Arathi I guess we can’t bring that up.
No creo que tenga más sentido aunque cambies el lenguaje. El problema es con el contenido de tus argumentos, obviamente.
I’m just baffled at how you keep transplanting her being between her two sisters into the Horde/Alliance split even when it doesn’t even fit. You really are trying to shove a square peg into a round hole here.
And unlike Khadgar, Vereesa has constantly looked the horde with distrust and contempt, but like everyone in legion she realized they had to work together. Also the fact she has used Dalaran’s lapses on its neutrality to just go to town on the Horde.
So even when she hopes her homeland returns to the Alliance and that is the right path for her people, you still claim she is neutral in any meaningful way? It’s ludicrous.
No, she literally says that as gossip text in Meredil as the elven forces gather during Insurrection.
if I was referring to her MoP lines, I would say how she yelled FOR THE ALLIANCE. You know, like someone truly neutral at heart does.
MY Opinion Due to the changes that have been made to the game with the ARS , High Elves and Blood Elves have enough Difference to Allow Alliance to have Playable Alliance High Elves, Lore Allows it. Technology allows it.
It was true then, and it’s true now. I mean, did none of you play W3:TFT? The fate of the high elves was made quite clear, and they are the blood elves. High elves don’t belong in the alliance. Pick something else.
Or, wild thought, they are two possible paths, a split of a people caused by trauma, and they are both different continuations of such legacy.
Wild, I know. It’s like they are both inheritors of the same legacy just following different paths and ideologies and neither is “truer” than the other.
Half elves would be interesting, but I suspect that wouldn’t end the Helfers as it were.
We need a Scenario that takes the groups of High Elves still serving the Alliance and the SC (Who do serve the Alliance but also serve Dalaran) and leads them into becoming Void Elves. Make it so there are no High Elves left at all clearly in game with no strings. Its only Blood and Void.
I do think that Thalassian(s) is the best term for the whole. The issue is that we just don’t have a neologism to refer to the remaining High Elves, because they didn’t change their names. We can refer to their specific groups (Highvale, SC, Allerian) but the facts are simple, those are the only ones using the term High Elf in the present.
Hence why using the term High Elves to encompass the whole feels disengenous, because Blood Elves -you know, the actual majority of the Thalassians- go by… Blood Elves. “High Elves” was never the oficial race name, just the common translation, they were Quel’dorei, as they were also when they were Highborne, and we don’t have issues mistaking the nomenclature.
As long as there a group currently still using the High Elf moniker, using it as a blanket term for both Blood and High Elves is nothing but obfuscating to the conversation.