I did in fact admit in that case i was being immature. Grats, you got me on one thing, i could get you on several…but it’s not worth my time as everyone here doesn’t need me to point out the obvious.
Completely ridiculous analogy.
Conflating things doesn’t change the meaning of what i said. I said it was a fallacy that i was acting entitled and immature (that is why it was quoted). I then did say something immature and in that ONE SPECIFIC instance said i was being so to show the difference of what immature looked like so you would hopefully recognize it in the future.
I haven’t said i was angry at how Blizzard has designed their game, i said i was angry at how they have shown they are willing to hand the Horde something they are then obstinate about giving to the Alliance.
My thought are this, if they are truly a Neutral faction, Horde players should be able to interact with them. Also with the Silver enclave becoming the Greyfang enclave do they still even have a place in Dalaran? or did they leave when Jaina did?
The members of the Silver Covenant are citizens of Dalaran, exclusively.
The members of the Sunreavers are citizens of Dalaran and Quel’thalas.
A person with dual-citizenship doesn’t get to just choose which countries laws to follow, selectively, as it suits them – and as we’ve received no indication that the Sunreavers have been forced from Dalaran, for disobeying the law, they are in all likelihood abiding by the mandates of the Kirin Tor.
This doesn’t mean either group has abandoned their ideological support for their preferred faction, but rather that neither of them are allowed to directly contribute to the Fourth War (lest they, presumably, lose the privilege of domiciling in Dalaran).
It didn’t, you just don’t like nuance. Oh well, moving on.
(Hey, remember that time a little bit ago when you were so wrong your core temperature doubled? I do.)
And what response, from Blizzard, would such a person hope to illicit from stating their views?
Look, they literally have predominantly acted as Alliance supporters, enforcers and emissaries, their whole point is they are Dalarani Alliance sympathizers. If what you are saying is “well they aren’t technically an alliance faction” you are sorely missing the point.
Like do you see that their playability could literally be “They had enough of the Kirin Tor neutrality and have left” and boom, they are an official alliance faction?
It literally means that. If she wanted the fully support the alliance then it might mean losing their current home. That could literally be the theme of them officially joining the alliance.
Vereesa, literally on Three Sisters:
“I believe the Blood Elves can be redeemed.”
“It is true that I believe one day the Sin’dorei will reflect on their actions and rejoin the alliance.”
Vereesa can literally say that BElves can still redeem themselves and rejoin the alliance and people still be like “She totes neutral!”
i like to think its because they no longer have the numbers to create a safe space and thats why they vanished from dalaran, but we saw vereesa is still there with the 3 sister comic which took place just before BFA
Neutrality is such a factor. It sure stopped the highmountain and nightborne from destroying Teldrassil after the alliance helped save them and their homes.
But once perceived as neutral no one can be anything else. Them joining the horde after accepting help from both sides didn’t happen at all.
I just discovered something, that I never realized before. If I go to Trueshot Lodge on my Alliance Hunter Vereesa is their. If I am on my Horde Hunter she is not.
I don’t think they are a truly neutral faction, they’re just not a formal part of the Alliance. Though they side with the Alliance, their priorities lie with Dalaran.