Because it’s literally just a rip off of the yin and yang.
Which is my point. Its literally introducing a race the worst way possible. The fact Blizzard has not developed these different ideologies in any way (let alone not even doing anything with them in Mists of Pandaria) goes a long way to show…
…you arent supposed to care about the Huojin/Tushui ideology because its bs to push plot.
Why do you think:
- There hasnt been a noticeable presence of these factions from their inception?
- Why their NPCs dont get pushed or get straight side-lined in appearances?
- Why the neutral Pandaren are more recognized than the faction ones?
Why is the “Positivity” megathread for the High Elf people still locked? Are people just mass flagging the ever living hell out of it? Just curious. Don’t mean to change the subject.
Well, the Kirin Tor was improved by the writers pining the Purge of Dalaran on them.
No one knows, it could be antis, it could be the helfers flagging antis or it could be mods.
Whenever the container breaks, the community mass flags all the threads and the mods only leave a few open. With whatever criteria they have they decided that one didn’t need to keep going.
Just say this right now; so I want to seperate post to say—
They didnt get any spotlight. They were basically what the Sanlayn were to the Horde in BFA.
I think part of it is also that it wasn’t named “megathread” as they have been in the past. Mods might have just assumed it was any old one when the Blue Eyed Forum Massacre of 2020 happened.
They were nothing more than antagonists in the Blood Elf storyline. Heck the Silver Covenant is a minor villain.
Heca, Im taking about Huojin/Tushui Pandarens.
Ah, well, my point still stands.
I don’t think he’s giving things a fair shake if he takes a look at an unrelated group and takes the least charitable interpretation he can think of from the opposite side.
Sure, stands about as well as Whitebeard: dead on its feet.
The Huojin need hella focus imo. The Tushui philosophy seeks to stem naturally out of Pandaren behaviour and sensibilities, but the Huojin are presumably just as numerous and represent a complete departure from who the Pandaren are prior to adopting the path.
I don’t think you can be uncharitable enough to a group who committed an ethnic cleansing.
Just get rid of the philosophy garbage. Focus on developing them for factions.
… the Young Turks?
Cenk doesnt count.
I think the philosophy stuff could work if they put some effort in. If the Huojin had their basis in the rebellion against the mogu or the war against the bug boiz then their willingness to kill Tushui for being too passive would make sense.
If the Pandaren were shown to be divided culturally it would make way more sense for them to be different.
Fixed that for you.
It’s temporarily locked like threads have been in the past, and some threads I’ve seen just happen to be locked longer than others I can think of few actually. But nowhere has it been said it’s been decided to be axed. And it also previously was unhidden by mods. So I would imagine there was just a lot of flags on it, as per what it says at the bottom of the thread.
The issue with the philosophy is its tethered to the Wandering Isle, which is just as underdeveloped as the philosophies.
If they were just Mainland Pandarens, there would be no problem. Its why Huojin/Tushui actually had no presence in mists, because it was tied just to the Pandaren starting zone and not PANDARIA.