Why High Elves Don't Work: A Primer (Part 1)

the difference between gnomes and high elves is that gnomes actually care about and help the alliance



and are free to fight and kill as many horde as they like! without requiring dalaran to pick a side

this is pretty much over. we are just waiting for shadowlands at this point. any reasonable AR request shouldnt require fanfiction art to make a case :relieved:

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that was proven false in bfa where void elves had much more presence. we saw them at the battle of lordaeron, throughout the war campaign, assaults, and even in horrific visions. actual alliance ‘high’ elves were blink and you miss them with a grand total of 4 caring enough about alliance affairs to show up

it will be proven false again in shadowlands and the next expansion after that, and after that one, etc. its only downhill from here for you guys now that alleria and the void elves are here and dalaran is officially neutral under khadgar

Wow you sure have a very loose definition of that word.


They are not working because they were told to stay home and self isolate. Pretty smart if you ask me.


How dare you imply that the high elves don’t do anything more than give out quests!

Truth is not acceptable.


For the win.

B-but High Elves have such rich lore! High Elf lore is just so plentiful and is seen everywhere! That is the reason for wanting them! It is totally not because we just want white-skinned elves instead of porple ones :>!


And… Blood Elves are the continuity of that story, Alliance high elves are just an antagonist in that story.


I agree, that entire post was entirely sarcastic. Sorry if you couldn’t tell

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I don’t understand the images they go ga-ga over and call it ‘art’…because most of it is pretty awful and the ones that actually look good are just copying Blizzard’s art, Blood Elves.

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… Well, it’s fan art. It doesn’t need to be compared to professional work.

Did you read the descriptions?

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On something related to a Blizzard property not looking like their own art?

Is this a joke or are you just bitter?

That was rhetorical, the answer is obvious.

Dunno if you’ve seen Talendrions but this is another sad attempt to diminish High Elfs only made worse by hiding away in your angry hole.

You’re like the angrier Fyre. :rofl:


Oh hey guys, its Kizzan, everyone wave to him.
This is what someone who has nothing to add to the discussion but vitriole does.


And have you seen the way they stand next to portals? It’s just so inspiring!


Man that’s a big wall of text, let me just not read any of it and leave a reason as to why they do work: Retcon :slight_smile:

The biggest issues aren’t lore reasons.

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That is just a word without context.

I dont’ know who you’re speaking about. :scream_cat:

You missed nothing Starla. Worry not

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