Why High Elves Don't Work: A Primer (Part 1)

I have good days and bad days. I get through them all.

Void elves did nothing to fulfill the request though, and they feel like no effort was put into them either which makes it even worse.

It was a pain questing in Suramar city, but the city is gorgeous, and the stories were beautiful. I cried at times in the quest line because it was well done enough for me to get attached to the characters.

They could have put more effort into coming up with a way to give the alliance actual high elves, rather than blood elves that got kicked out for doing void crack, who didn’t exist until they were playable, and who live on a rock.

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Just imagine if they’d kept it around as a capitol city. Now it’s just stuck in time…

I don’t, and as an Alliance player I don’t want it forced on me. I find them ignoble and ‘haughty’, even for high elves.

Which is Blood Elves but with blue instead of red or green.


If they make high elves playable for alliance, you won’t be forced to play one.

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At least the area where nightborne start in is fun to explore. I do wish they had made it a Capitol city though.

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“Giving High Elves a unique model makes no sense”

But this same thing was pretty much done with Kul Tirans. Many if not most Kul Tirans use the regular human model however the giant brutish model is the one that was chosen to represent the player Kul Tirans. Same thing can be done for High Elves. Simple enough.

Or again, they could just make up a reason why High Elves look different at the current time they’d become playable. Evolution and Adaptation can happen in WoW whenever the story demands it.


I think void elves look cooler than Nightborne. I can’t stand Nightborne, I leveled one to 23 and deleted, they just look out of place. Like they don’t belong in the game as a playable race, and they all skinny and frail. If they made void elves on Horde I prob would of made an alt of one. Alliance can have the Nightborne, I can’t stand them!

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It made little sense given the Horde’s history as well as the blood elves history. WHy would they participate in the complete destruction of another race’s home after they lost their own?
War is war, but I cannot see how it was at all appetizing

Y’know what would make sense though?! Half Elves :sunglasses:


Thank you for this. I’m tired of hearing this argument and having to re-explain WoW lore to people. I’m just going to link them this post from now on. Lmao

I think the deeper issue is that people just really love beautiful elven races, and Blood/High elves are the closest to human appearance. Which is understandable that players (who are humans) find them to be more appealing. If we could get more human-looking races playable or that were just overtly “attractive” like Draenei and Night Elves, there wouldn’t be as much of an outcry. They dropped the ball with the limited and seemingly unfinished look of Nightborne (I have two of them at 120 because I love them, but I understand people’s distaste).


pretty much. everyone not in denial of lore and how this race as a whole is presented in the game know that the high elves ARE the blood elves and they switched sides. if kael kept the name this whining for a horde race probably wouldnt even exist. if they dont want to play the horde too bad, enjoy void elves


High elves story = blood elves story so just make a blood elf. Problem solved.

Relevance? Humans and kultiran are in the same faction so I fail to see how little different they are matter in this context.


Well you need to get working on that! :weight_lifting_man:

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Should we start complaining about not having green, or red skin colors for Blood elves too then? The important detail being that Night elves still have unique skin colors exclusive to their race, but by giving the void elves the only skin color available to Blood elves, you’ve essentially created exact copies on each side. When there’s far less visual themes to make up a race, the ones that do exist play much larger roles in their identity within the game.

If we’re going to draw parallels with the Nightborne, we must also address how these examples differ, and the roles they played in Blizzard’s decision to change the Void elves. Blizzard was reluctant to give the alliance the blood elf model from the get-go, and could only finally rationalize it under the condition that visual themes considered crucial to blood elves be altered. This is how they justified it to the players, and many begrudgingly accepted it. So to now ask that they give them the blood elf skin tones anyway would completely undermine the reason it was changed in the first place.

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Alrighty then…so…


will be fine?


Im down with the thiccness


You just jumpstarted this playing in my head, so thanks. :slight_smile:


Twas my intent.

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You must think you sound so smart.

There’s no denial whatsoever.
In game, Blood elves do not refer to themselves as high elves.
In game, High elves do not refer to themselves as blood elves.

Were simply presenting the facts that are shown to us in game.

Blood elves existing does not mean everyone has to be quiet and “too bad play horde or enjoy void elves”.
It’s extremely obvious that people are requesting the high elves who kept the name “high elf”. Not the blood elves that are currently horde, who decided to change their name.
Yet for some reason you and your squad seem to enjoy prancing around playing dumb.


You’re a good man. And thanks for assuming I have the exquisite taste in music that led me to be a fan of Disturbed, Tool, and other genuinely musically gifted bands.