Why High Elves Don't Work: A Primer (Part 1)

yeah every so often i turn really really REALLY blue with shiny bits. it always throws me off, cause first thought is, ut oh something dotted me. lol


Hey Hyper! Been a while :slight_smile: how are yah??

good ty. just working on my char here. her looms are not upgraded enough and just realized i’d rather upgrade the looms then wait for replacement pieces in legion content. how’re you?

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Pretty good just enjoying my Friday evening! (Finally) work has been a POS the last few weeks haha. Too many proverbial fires and not enough water buckets :rofl:

It’s more space fantasy.

A space epic, to be exact

cowboy bebop beats star wars

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Well Star Wars is definitely way behind Bebop in bits about fighting off creatures created by leaving seafood in a fridge for way too long.

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With space magic and space sword fights.

Well High Elves as a race don’t work but High Elves politically aligned with the Alliance for over 20 years does work.


sadly I am pro-playable alliance high elves
i say ‘sadly’ because saying the above causes me intestinal pain for some reason
i dunno man life is strange

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I had a dream that Alleria killed Sylvanas. Sylvanas slid right into the arrow.

This happened in a revamped Eversong Woods.

…becayse the average Horde player is so used to getting whatever they want?
That the mere thought of having the Alliance get something that might remove scintilla of attention from them, is so terrifying as to ignite this over-the-top level of vindictive posturing?

That is the saddest part of all this; that so many people feel they can only be happy when things go exactly their way only.
I’m done with you.
you win.


Boards her langskip and sails off, without so much as a single backwards glance


crosses fingers

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i had a dream vereesa and halduron become a thing. and another where sylvanas kills her and raises her as a dark ranger



If you look at the likes on that post, 5 of the 6 are High Elf supporters who knew what I meant - that the requests will not end, that their persistence will not end, that they will be here asking for what they want until the very end.

Too bad you couldn’t figure that out but I don’t feel any sense of loss right now. One last thing though:

I’m not a Horde player. 5 120s, 4 Alliance, and 1 Horde for the story. 20 characters, total: 16 Alliance/4 Horde , a 58 DK that was rolled and never played on a pvp server, a 100 and a 101 I used to noodle around on with my wife, and Hiply - my Horde current content runner on the Horde story side. That was my final courtesy to you, Alf - an explanation you were in no way owed.


i want sylvanas back with the forsaken? can i expect that in shadowlands?

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I had a similar thought on that being a way Dark Rangers could become a class like Death Knights, is that one of the Windrunner sisters would have to become one.

What would a dark ranger offer that hunters dont?
That is the question.

DKs were easy since they are the antithesis of Paladins who had one heal spec, one tank, one dps spec.
So making them opposites was easy.
Rangers, however, are all dps with lots of different styles.

If we get a new hero class, it should have a heal spec. I think a lot of themes could actually be covered though, just by adding in new specs to our current classes.

They could do some cool things with that honestly. Like a warlock heal spec where they summon demons and sacrifice the health of said demons to heal their group or something.

Maybe a fourth mage spec that’s more like a battle mage, they magically enhance their weapons, shoot magical arrows or something.