Why High Elves Don't Work: A Primer (Part 1)

I love when Helfers use Ion as a source when it suits them and ignore him when it doesn’t. Carry on.


Except they are still who they are. Sorry Murg to disagree with you on this, but even the devs have said they are another flavour of High Elf. Yes, they shoot out purple blood, and go by “Ren’dorei” in there tongue, but they are still Thalassian Elves.

Eh… And also, that is a contradiction, because you’re doing the same thing right now.


They’re thalassians, lol. You guys are just purposely ignoring facts in an attempt to strengthen your arguments. “Ofc u guys use quotes from deves when it suits ur need”

Tell you what - I’ll accept them as a flavor of High Elf if you accept “The Horde is waiting for you”. Deal? Also, GMO-Thalassian is a valid “flavor” in this context. They have been permanently genetically altered, which is why I have always referred to them as GMO-Thalassians.


Where are they waiting?? I’ve still got an axe to grind :smiling_imp:

You and me both, Ely. :wink:

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Except, I don’t accept that. Murg, it is time to end this Faction devide within the player base because of the races and Faction Identity. Everyone should be allowed to play what ever they want, regardless of the faction they are on. Whether it makes people unhappy within the forums, the thing that is really killing this entire faction barrier is “Oh look, we’re at war with each other, oh wait, never mind, now we’re helping each other pick up sticks off the ground.”.

Virtually, this video sums it up

You would be happy for us if we got them, which is good enough for me!


I know you’re new to these discussions - but I’ve been referring to them as GMO-Thalassians since they dropped. Yes, an offshoot of Thalassian elves. Also yes, genetically different. The two are in no way mutually exclusive.


Yes, hard disagree Sara - as you know. Factions are a foundational component of the Warcraft IP. It’s been that way since the IP first came into being, and it’s not going away. Without it, this is some other PvE game where it’s everyone against the monsters - it’s not World of Warcraft.

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Which means we’re still playing thalassian elves with your logic.

This is wrong.


One of us plays them. One of us has played through the unlock scenario. One of us was with Alleria as she completed her training.

One of us apparently hasn’t. We bleed purple, we have tentacles, we’ve been permanently genetically altered.

(MurgAlt™ Confimed)


Wait. They don’t bleed purple? They don’t have tentacles? Those two things don’t prove they have been genetically altered?

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…Another solid argument from the antis.

THey’re still thalassians. Ion himself has said it. You literally see it one their unlock scenario as you’re roaming around their homelands and eventually meet Umbric and his followers, who are all ordinary Blood Elf thalassians.

Fel Orcs are still Orcs and so are Azeroth Orcs.

…who were all ordinary Blood Elf Thalassians. As in past tense.


So what is the real problem then with Alliance having playable Quel’dorei?

They keep getting added in the same way as the Horde Warchief comes off the assembly line. It is shown that the High Elves (and I mean the Alliance High Elves) are still associated with in the Alliance. And they are represented as such differently to the Blood Elves.

See, many things here:

  1. Playerble characters doesn’t effect the lore. Because, playable characters. We’re not story characters.
  2. When we also chose the race of our characters, we’re not chosing the race as the whole, but only a group out of that race.

haha that vid is great.

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I do not generally agree with something an orc says, buy ya, Blood Elves ARE high elves. Just because a group renames themselves doesn’t remove who they are.

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Despite they don’t like to be called what they are.

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Them bleeding purple and being able to grow tentacles doesn’t not make them thalassians.

Yes. And though they’re different now, they’re still thalassian elves.