Why High Elves Don't Work: A Primer (Part 1)

And there we go. Of course the obvious response is “if there are no factions then there is absolutely no need for two versions of the same race”. It would be a major waste of dev resources to create playable alliance high elves if there were no factions.

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Maybe, but the faction populations involving participation is dying down on one side. And this isn’t a Blizzard issue, but more of a player issue.

Well, also, CRZ and Sharding on top ruining the game too.

Oh I’m not grouping with the people who helped torch Teldrassil. I want high elves with a distinct model to differentiate them from blood elves. The factions can stay as they are.

As I said, lately. All you gave was even older stuff that are irrelevant since Blizzard doesn’t revamp older zones. i.e. you can still see Garrosh and Saurfang casually talking in Borean Tundra.



the only way to meaningfully differentiate a blood/alliance high elf, was what they did with void elves. anything less youll just scratch your head and think so why cant a blood elf have that? what you want has already been done :woman_shrugging:

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They have a long history working with the current alliance. They don’t feature in every single expansion, but not every group does.

Those are grape blood elves crossbred with squids.

High elves could get a new model. A new silhouette would differentiate them more than void elves did.


they arent an alliance race of any standing. if they were you wouldnt have to wait between expansions hoping dalaran is used in some capacity for a SC cameo. alliance high elves would be common questgivers and npcs like every other actual alliance race. they added 4 total easter eggs for bfa

Long history means squat when the premise to my first reply was that high elf have been “far more active than void elves or any AR”.

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ah, the deep long history of the occasional easter egg portal keeper


The long standing history does mean a lot. Before they were tossed out, void elves were horde blood elves. They haven’t even been featured in the void story.

You know stuff like this just makes you look ridiculous, right fyre?


I wonder if they’ve thought about that?

One step forward, two steps backward.


Like Alliance high elves, they were in a vision. Oh, and all over the war.

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Hey now… I still need someone to target for vengeance. Especially orcs and Forsaken… :face_with_raised_eyebrow: they make elune happy when taken care of :smirk:

High elves are my exception for “faction” barrier. I don’t want Blood elves or their niche. Iam not even advocating for a neutral ability for Blood elves or high elves to “choose” their side like the pandaren do.

Otherwise we could remove “Blood Elf” from the horde race menu and call it “high elf” if race only belonged to one faction. But when you play a horde Blood elf, that is all a person gets, is access to the Blood elf and nothing more. Just like Human is as far as we know, only Stormwind human and not arathi/Lordaeron/dalaran human.

Sorry for being long winded. But good morning all :coffee:


I’d totally tear down the faction divide. Not just for high elves though. Lol

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They weren’t all over the war though. They raised a void dino and opened a portal. Oh and failed to catch gallywix. They had the least effort put into them, no in game presence before they were released, no zone, nothing.

High elves don’t work because… they got laid off!


This amused me way more than it should have. Lol