Why High Elves Don't Work: A Primer (Part 1)

I like to imagine dwarf priests and paladins are basically one long episode of Father Ted.


I think there is a number for dial-a-dwarf though

I have spent the last 20 minutes slacking off at work trying to find the little person racist scene, but I can’t find it.

Lets just agree that WoW is a racist game. Now brb, going to find a gnome to kick around an oval.

Ugh, that’s gross.
I’ll be throwing up my first baby bottle.

Lmao, have you not noticed all the MHP’s on the forums?

Idk male blood elf anything almost beats the MHP in the insufferable personality contest…

Night elves with a chip on their shoulder are pretty awful tbf.

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Hey, I try to have fun with it :innocent:

I will say, there are a few night elves on the story forum that have made it unbearable.

It was indeed…as I said.

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Let’s also be clear that they are a tiny sect who had been hiding out in Dire Maul post-sundering - not at all a part of Night Elf society until very (comparatively) recently when they were allowed back in to facilitate the gameplay decision to give Night Elves the mage class.


Until ‘most’ of them were killed by a group of Horde adventurers, leading the survivors to seek refuge with the night elves.

I can’t imagine there were many if they could be forced to flee in the face of the wrath of… an orc warrior, a troll hunter, a Forsaken warlock, a blood elf priest and a tauren shaman. I’m guessing. That’s what I choose to believe the canon party is, anyway.


Clearly it was a blood elf paladin not an orc warrior.
Everyone else was a troll.

Then explain the BC trailer, Sherlock.

That’s what I thought.


I’m not blind, I now about a plague when I see it.
We need Arthas to do a Stratholme 2.0.

He can’t be trusted to hunt mhps, we need to get Gul’dan back to yeet on them like he yeeted on Tirion.

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Gul’dan is too treacherous. Let’s get someone more malleable… Ner’zhul perhaps? Teron Gore?

Both of whom turned on their masters multiple times and have little to no big paladin kills.

If we’re going to do this we need to get the best and just hope it works out. Orcs have a saying. Genocide nice or genocide twice.

Gul’dan killed no Paladins…

Orgrim Doomhammer killed Anduin Lothar let’s get him.

Lothar was a warrior.

And Gul’dan summoned a big demon who trashed Tirion and then dropped him in lava.