Why High Elves Don't Work: A Primer (Part 1)

Oh my mistake you’re right. You didn’t like them all. You just liked a few racist posts and told the people making them how much you enjoyed reading their posts as they made them.

My bad.


Gonna have to agree with Guzzle here… I support high elves being payable on alliance but you post this stuff several times a day as though it’s a copy paste and it feels so off.


hmm. well classes are: faery magic, bard (shaman spec), hunter, druid, monk and warrior. cant be dks or dhs.

so the bard starts playing a flute. his dryad steps up and entangling roots the target.

(sec, running someone thru scarlet monastery cathedral)


No thanks.

I did not praise anyone for disparaging attacks. You continue to mock me all the time however

You have shown me no such kindness, and I attempted to comment on what I saw in your defense by making sure you knew I’d as a blanket statement defend anyone under such circumstances. I do not know what the conversation delved into and I’m not commenting on it any further.

If it ended up being the case I am sorry, but at the time I commented to the best of my ability of what I saw to let it be known I did not stand for that, as to anything else I didn’t see it. But the fact you expect so much from me that you’ve done nothing to warrant my kindness but id still bend over backward to let you know I am a safe place when it comes to stuff like this was my attempt to be kind.

aww okay :dizzy_face:

:confused: I’ll make sure not to read your comments then, I often like to praise people who spend so much time contributing to lore, but I know you’re not worth reading then thanks Fezzy.

Mate, stop spreading that made up definition of racism.

Here’s the definition according to the Red Cross. You know, that organisation that sends doctors and supplies into active genocides.

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General Reminder: Just because you use polite sounding language, it does not cover up the fact that you are making personal attacks against people with that ‘polite’ language.



You do you man.

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I said I commented to the best of my ability. I’ve seen Guzzle comment to Fya at being “a typical American” and I took the original statement the same way, I do not know what the conversation delved into.

And that’s BIIIIIIIIIG [citation needed]

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How about a shaman tank spec based on earth?

Big citation needed for what you’re accusing me of, when I publicly tried to the best of my knowledge quell the situation while extending an olive branch to let you know if it continued I’d vehemently defend, if the conversation delved into more I’m sorry I don’t watch the forums 24/7, that is with you and someone else but you pinning it on me isn’t cool.

EDIT: it was in reference to Fya saying something about the revolutionary war and you commented back on her typical American outlook. If you really want me to do the digging how many days ago and in which thread that was in, if I have time I will.

Now, where’s yours?

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Why are you bringing systemic racism (and a bad definition of it, the height of that bar basically covers up most of the problems of systemic racism completely) to deflect blame in a situation where someone was making personal level racist attacks? That’s like saying if someone took a swing at me, they didn’t commit assault because armored units make assualts and since tanks weren’t involved that doesn’t fit that definition.


haha…I see.


You were already accusing me of supporting rhetoric, so that was me stating, I did not support that part of the argument, and telling fya she can make her point without continuing down the path it was on because I think she is articulated and can make points without resorting to that.

EDIT: I did not say that explicitly I admit but I consider the comment a nudge.

Mate, saying someone has a typical American outlook on American history is not at all comparable to straight up saying Australians are dishonest and Australians are stupid…


Oh jeeze that bs, that’s wasn’t even plain old american exceptionalism, that was an odd skewed retelling of the founding designed to push a niche political view.