Why High Elves Don't Work: A Primer (Part 1)

Oh Firewoman, you stun me with your supreme wisdom. Each day you grace us with your presence online brings glory to all of Warcraft. You are a true patriot and hero. You’re super awesome. :star_struck:

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I am all for the Alliance getting their High Elves. However I will honestly say, I’ve been treated a lot worse by the Pro High Elf community, then I have ever been treated by the Anti’s.


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i used to be pro but after hearing the anti side, who are very passionate and kind with more knowledge of the lore imo, i have switched my support to being anti. great job you guys, proud of you, keep it up! :blue_heart: :kissing_heart:


Thank you so much, there’s just so much positivity from this community, it’s soo great :bread: :turkey: :cheese: :bread:

mmmm, sandwiches


Honestly, I haven’t really noticed the difference. I think it is more of “just the person” than the community itself.

one side lets pros and antis into their discord and allows free speech :woman_shrugging:

Wow, so true. I might disagree with your message of turkey sandwiches (I prefer ham and turkey) but your lore arguments and inclusivity are so great. :heart_eyes_cat:

Wait, where is my Ham and Turkey?

Well I just have turkey in the fridge. But I appreciate the positivity :bacon: :egg: :waffle:

Now can someone go on a xenophobic rant about someone else’s nationality so we can all praise their lore arguments?


We tend to match energy more.

Does this count?

No, but I love your energy.

The secret is drinking it straight from aquariums.

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Yeah… Some Helfers are bad some Anti’s are bad. Theres not a lot of difference in my experiences with either group.

Wait did this happen again? Was it someone new or someone old?

Oh I miss that show. >.>

Were the transformers members of Animal House?

Can you ever really know?


Exactly. I am not going to jump in and say that all Anti’s are bad while saying All pro’s are good, but I have experience both bad sides of both sides, and seen that there is some who are good, and some who are bad. Regardless of the side they’re on.

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Sorry if I ruffled some feathers. I didn’t say all Pro High Elfer’s Were bad. Just that the only hateful people I’ve dealt with in this community, have just happened to be on the pro side. They’re some really friendly and great people on the Pro side, but I’ve dealt with my fair share of hateful ones. Glad that the both of you have had such wonderful experiences with them.