Not because I’m playing with a VE model it means I can’t be critical of how lazy they are as concept and how laughable their implementation was.
It’s also pretty obvious this char is meant to be a High Elf. I do have 1 bonna fide Void Elf in full Heritage set and I do like them. But beyond loving that Sub Rogue, yah, nothing too nice I can say about VE’s as a group.
Who didn’t even got to be relevant on the PATCH ABOUT THE VOID.
I take the VE’s as a great big Yennefer storyline geared towards pragmatism and power so I love them. Even the low key tents they have remind me of Niilfgard’s archeology site from the Witcher show, where they were studying stuff, which makes sense because the VEs are studying… the Void, I like their tents I don’t think Telogros is meant to be ‘home’ but a research operation
That sounds very uncritical of you, compounding criticism with venom. Like I love the idea of Void Elves, but I will always say their introduction to the lore was atrocious and rushed. The two facts can coexist and it’s kinda odd you think otherwise.
Next you will tell me that since I am also very critical of BfA as an expansion I shouldn’t be playing WoW.
Oh! one idea I had is that they could not build their settlement on top of Telogrus, but below all the spires pointing downwards, like the reflection of spires in the water.
Someone can play a thing and still disagree with how it was implemented. The Void Elves were poorly implemented in my opinion as well. They were meant to fix the Alliance not having their High Elves. Well they pulled them from Blood Elves, and did so in such a way that really suggested they were all scholars. It felt half baked and didn’t really give the Alliance what they’d been asking for.
And as we were just discussing a bit, their home zone seems half baked too.
Not only that they were pulled from a rep that really would have given us Broken Draenei with a new draenei based model.
Its no wonder many folk feel they were a poorly implemented AR.
The Agrussian Reach made 0 sense for VEs, we should have gotten an Alleria lead campaign in BFA akin to 7th legion or something to pull rep for VE’s imho