They sided with the Alliance but I don’t see any indication they are a formal part of it. They were formed to balance the presence of the Sunreavers in Dalaran. Unlike the Sun Reavers they did not come from their favored major Faction. They were important when Dalaran was anti-Horde, but that is over now.
Their newest affiliation was another neutral faction, the Unseen Path - which depending on how you view things might have absorbed them. Exposition is not Blizzard’s strong suit.
I’m not sure that the devs ever meant for this to be anything other than a super niche thing. It’s something that needs more clarity in game. Also what is the source for the 10% figure?
I think the game would be much better if each zone had a terminal point that updated it at the end of the expansion. The hole time travel walking thing isn’t too great.
I wonder how many of these are actually against the Blood Elves and not just people who live outside of Silvermoon, assimilated to a different culture. With the restoration of the Sun Well, did the pilgrimage mean a portion of them were absorbed back into the Blood Elves? Do we know that it was a pilgrimage and not a homecoming? I also wonder how many were lost in events like Theramor or during the conflicts they serve in. Especially the Silver Covenant. What happened to their population at the Isle of Thunder or in Northrend? During the assault on Surramar? What did pledging themselves to the unseen path mean for their organization? How many were there to start?
If they hated the use of fel to power Silvermoon’s enchantments, how do they feel about Void Elves formerly joining the Alliance?
Which are split between all other groups, aside from Void Elves. Weren’t some Void Elves exiles? I forget wheat the conclusion was of examining their scenario.
Then we just need to know how many qualify as “Alliance” and if there are any left that have player potential… which given dev comments would suggest there are few to none.