Why High Elves Didn't Work - A Restrospective

I’m sure you haven’t created a “blood elve”.

I’m about as sure that you have a blood elf you write “fanfiction” about.

Most of the time i write “cant” so you are telling me that people dont understand . . . “cant” is not the same as “can’t”? .


:thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking:

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You can switch alts all you want but I’m not intimidated by you.


Oh they even used a third alt. Nice.

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I dont have horde alts , the only time i ever created was in mop ? i can show you lol.

in fact. . .

> https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/u/Powercrystal-faerlina

> https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/u/Truthspeaker-wyrmrest-accord




MMMMM this is interesting.

So some dude just happens to have the same exact pet load out as you. Keep in mind there are hundreds of pets.

1- All High Elves of Quel’thalas are addicted to the energies of the Sunwell, before and after the scourge invasion, then the restoration of the Sunwell. The exiles are no exception to this.
2- “True High elf values”:

  • Leeching off the mages of Dalaran in form of arcane crystals to feed off of a "
  • Abandoning the rest of their High Elven kin who at their direst of times, as they were trying fend off the scourge on their own, in the retaking of Quel’thalas then rebuilding of Silvermoon.

There’s a reason that their own people labeled them exiles and traitors.


So suddenly you , the nightelf and the furry have the same “Pets” .


Someone is tripping.

Sorry to tell you, classic characters don’t have pet load outs. And We are all typing at the same time. That already debunks your theory.

I’m not sure why you’re linking to my profile.

We caught him alt hopping so he is trying to say we are all the same people now.

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That stuff must be dank.

I hope he brought enough for the whole class.

Well, cant when it means can’t is usually obvious from context, but cant is its own word and means either a tilt (the car canted to the side) or a secret language (he flashed a message in thieves’ cant).

This is lame and i hope he doesnt tell me i am an alt too :S .


Are we having a who has the most alts competition?


It seems to be pretty one sided given I haven’t posted on one of mine since I rolled up my vulpera back in january.

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Most Alts?

Hmmm, lets see, In-game alts or Forum Posting Alts?