đŸš« Why High Elves are a bad idea

Exactly! They’re here and have been slowly developing in their story we can’t change that, it may not seem like it now but there are lots of people who like void elves too
 and may have even prefered them over krokuul

the extent of the pandaren are 1 group of students from a school on a giant turtle, 1 village each in the jade forest, and 1 farming settlement each in kun lai.

Just Bumping this thread in-case anyone wants to discuss this, and to redirect anyone in the sulver covenant thread

Sorry for the late reply but they’re hear to stay, and are already among the top 5 most played alliance Allied Races.

Said it once, will say it again.

Blizzard only have themselves to blame. For years and multiple expansions they treated Blood Elves and High Elves has two completely different people.

Then suddenly decided “Nope, High Elves are Horde, go reroll if you want em. Silver Covenant doesn’t exist, lol.”

I thought blood elf = high elf.

They still Exist which is the problem, Blizzard despite their words on not wanting to make those elves playable still continuously taunt Ally/Horde Players with High elves causing more controversy, though I have a solution for at least the silver covenant that I discuss in a bit of detail here:

The main problem is that Blizzard paid more attention to the silver covenant than they did any other playable races, and with the release of VE now is their chance to fix that

Elves are extremely overrated anyway.

Agreed. Just posting here again to say that not everyone on alliance will be happy with a lazy copy paste race, while horde would most likely get something more interesting and unique.

If not and get something just as bland on horde then thats just double as lazy.

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Who thought it would be a cool idea to revive this spam thread

People with opinions and concerns about the game should not be considerd spam, unless you are all for censorship.


You know
I’d take a lazy copy paste dwarf race for the horde
just sayin

Why would you do that? there’s a containment thread for it

Reported for spamming


Do not “bump” posts.

The act of posting simply to bump a thread is considered spamming. This also includes bumping very old threads for no reason (called “necro bumping” or “necroing”).

Hence why I want High Elves as playable

I mean, really, if Void Elves weren’t around, I’d be arguing for Broken due to being more relevant to the faction we gained rep with and basically being part of the Alliance since TBC, Jinyu to follow up on MoP stuff, Mechagnomes to follow up on those whole Wrath quests and us being on first name terms with the creator of the gnomes (plus whatever that Blingtron stuff is about), Furbolgs for all the rubbish they’ve been through, Arakkoa given they’d fit more in with the Alliance than the Horde and their history of murdering them, heck, I’d even throw down for Botani given they can reuse Zandalari animations and are probably a bit pissed off at the Mag’har for that whole destroying their entire race to the point Gorgrond is a treeless wasteland by the time we go back to it

But no, those black holes of lore who were just slapped into the game to be pretty are popular, so as such, I must support the only race that can unseat them from their popularity. I’d love to play as a bird man and make constant Dark Crystal references, but that isn’t going to stop the Void Elf onslaught.

So I do what I must and support those who want High Elves, because that is the only way.

Dear Blizz: can you censor the word “High Elf” on the forums? Thanks.

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Why? You say they should just post in the Megathread, yet they can’t do that can they. Most anti High Elf advocates know exactly how you Pro High Elfers work in your MegaThread
Step one, get all anti High Elf threads shut down, with lots of false flagging.
Step two, force them into the High Elf discussion megathread where we can call them trolls and false flag them for not agreeing with our interpretation of what the devs and other blizzard employees are saying.

The pro High Elf crowd is like The only correct interpretation of wow lore and what the Devs are actually saying is ours. If you disagree, you are a troll, you are false flagged, Goodbye.

It amazes me just how nasty and condescending the pro High Elf crowd truly is. Will be patiently awaiting the nasty condescending reply that you all are good for. Or the typical troll don’t feed them reply.


Just because you dont agree with content dosent mean its spam. Its been less then a month since the last reply, 28 days by the look of it. I wouldn’t call that a necro either.

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Imagine if horde got wildhammer dwarves.

I mean, if the horde did get a version of dwarves with the same amount of effort put in as high elves I might be more accepting. But then that muddeis the faction divide even more and I would understand if others are against it.

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WoW first of all I wasn’t spamming, secondly this is what I am talking about no this is what the devs spoke about partly in one Q and A, the HE community has gotten a bit toxic especially regarding people who disagree with them, looking at your previous posts on mine I like how you “spam” that post to redirect me to the Anti-High Elf thread (and you accuse me of spamming) despite my post not being Anti-High elf, i’m opposed to the Idea sure, but most of my threads revolve around uniting 2 races at least not until the High Elves do become playable.

You people just want my opinion’s buried regardless of what I say

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