Why have you still not fixed Brewfest Hops and other bugs/flaws?

Preserved Brewfest Hops still say “you are flying” when you try to use them. We all already lost the other hops we bought due to you doing nothing. FIX IT
Ever since phase two, several mobs in various dungeons constantly drop aggro when they are not supposed to , and never did before (Slaves in Steamvaults, Raging skeletons in Crypts to name a couple).
When you die in certain areas where you must have a mount to fly, you respawn in a graveyard that makes getting back impossible (like Ogri’la quest zone)

You have had more than enough time to fix these. Show some damn pride in your game instead of just shame in your history.

If you dedicated the personnel to these that you do to changing women into fruit and changing emotes, we’d have a bug free game!!!

edit… uhh, odd? I coulda sworn i posted this in bug report… had some weird stuff happen after i hit post too… like being logged out, and logged in to a diff toon.


Still waiting for you to fix these/reply

What personnel? CTBC team was already a skeleton crew on a shoe-string budget. With the walkouts and overall negative employee atmosphere at Blizzard, we’re lucky the servers aren’t molten heaps of silicon and precious metals at this point.

The ones they use to keep changing dumb stuff that doesnt need to be changed, like emotes and paintings?

You mean the incompetent purple haired feminazis with their gender study diploma?

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Yep. That’s Ion in a nutshell. :roll_eyes:

Gonna make a small prediction. Instead of investing resources to fixing any of these things or responding to the main crisis at hand (server populations), they will hit ironforge.pro with cease and desist on publishing server population data.

What drives me nuts the most about these listed, is the hops… the GY stuff really needs to be fixed… but at least its “just” a major inconvenience. You literally cannot use these hops still… Something we bought, we still cannot use, no matter what… months after the event has ended. Like, really?

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The meme continues…

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