Why have you neglected to update PvP vendor?

I really want to know why the PvP vendor was not hotfixed. You guys are just trolling us. This is what I think devs are doing rn.
Dev 1: “They didnt like the scaling idea, So lets remove it, and put it back the way it was.”
Dev 2: Lets put the PvP vendor back because people are complaining too much about not having one.
Ian: Lets troll them (because im butthurt no one liked my idea) and make the PvP vendor sell trash gear, so they realize my idea of “Scaling” was actually a good idea.
Dev 3: This is just gonna upset the PvPers
Ian: !@#!@ Them. They are only 5% of the player base. Its my way or the highway.


I feel like all dev conversations end like this…

[bad idea]
Dev 1: “Ooh, they’re going to hate that.”
Dev Chorus: “Let’s do it!”


They don’t want you to play pre-patch. It’s blatantly obvious.


They do want casuals to queue. Without casuals queuing, the premades of mythic raiders would have to fight other premades of mythic raiders. Actual PvP might happen.


until pvp vendors are fixed might as well quit


I think every conversation starts out with “according to the analytics” instead of “I was playing the other day.”


They think they know what we actually want even though we tell them clear as day what we enjoy and dont enjoy. The whole “you think you do but you dont” thing comes to mind. Thats their mentality.


Or maybe it’s the pre-patch and PVP vendors for a sunsetting expansion are not a priority for a development team working to bring an already delayed game to fruition.


You know what you want. But they know what you deserve.

This is not an oversight. They designed it this way intentionally.

its marketing analytics…its the traditional p2w microtransaction marketing strategy applied to a world of warcraft framework.

  1. casual gets facerolled
  2. see opponent has way better gear
  3. profit step- buys tokens to get carried for gear
  4. cycle propagates

having useable vendor gear breaks the cycle and costs them money. The legion system was an attempt to reduce development costs by ignoring pvp via templating but they realized that they can profit in BfA model.


How thick is your tinfoil hat?

You do realize that they spent developer time to nerf the ilvl twice before pre-patch went live? If what you say is true, then why even bother?

It was ilvl 100 at one point on beta.

This right here.


You are wise.

I told people this four years ago and now people are starting to believe it. Token just makes it more transparent now.

Well…corruptions made it clear but I guess more proof is needed.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

So funny how much gold those went for, only to be nerfed once enough people had them.


Well BlizZard waited to roll out those vendors, let players invest lots of time, and then nerf corruptions.

It wasn’t an accident.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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Yeah, so the honor gear should be ilvl 120 then like every other pre-patch.

Nerfs to world quest gear in the prepatch suggest it will never even reach normal dungeon level. I leveled this character up to 50 yesterday. Slap on benthic gear, rings, and trinkets. Ilvl 68. the minimum ilvl of my gear items is 66. The ilvl offered by world quests is 60. Normal dungeon ilvl is 72, heroic is 78, and mythic0 is 85, the same ilvl a character I leveled up 2 weeks ago and geared in world quests has.


  1. Run hundreds of dungeons to reach an ilvl of 85, which will be inferior to what is needed to actually do content.

  2. Spend hundreds of dollars on tokens to buy carries.

  3. Quit the game.


Very interesting my friend… However, instead of paying for carries, Im just leveling alts, which is alright but I would of prefered to PvP. Their must be a large market for carries I guess.

People will only buy a mount once. If you can convince enough of them they need to buy a mythic+15 and a raid carry every week, that’s a huge profit over the $15 a month and one mount a year they pay for.

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