Why hasn't BM been nerfed yet?

Lol you crack the best jokes.

same reason ww an ret an war hasnt been nerfed yet

Ohohohoh wait until you see ww monks. :slight_smile:

There is big difference between dealing damage and doing work with your toon and doing damage with your pets while you afk lol.

Pet dmg isn’t the majority of BMs damage it’s just cobra shot

Pet dmg isn’t terrible but their biggest strength is their sustained pressure from cobra shot spam and kill shot procs

It’s only that it’s nonstop dps, not about it being an afk pet spec

People needa stop posting bad info when complaining about BM if they actually want it fixed

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Its pet damage. Pet is gone match is won for some reason. Kill pet guys, it makes bm hunters mad.

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Guys look at the name of his guild :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: i dont think there is point in arguing with them

Pet shouldn’t ever die more than once w/ wild kingdom existing

Also no, cobra shot spamming even w/o pet attacking is insane sustained damage lol


give survival animal companion so i can mend pet leech heal and soak convoke/toll and then give bullheaded back

will never look back

Survival Tactics exists for both of those

should’ve specified i meant in stuns the extra pet on top of you is really nice and having bestial wrath to break pet out of cc if they cover it as well

This isn’t a call out, I’m genuinely curious because I don’t know anything about hunters. I see you and others say this a lot but I know the details meter and the blizz dmg meter vary greatly because details doesn’t include pet dmg. But in saying that, the hunter always has absolute dog poo dmg on details but the arena score board is like three times as much.

Why such a discrepancy if the pets aren’t as impactful?

(Conversely it’s weird that details does count dmg to pets while the blizz scoreboard doesn’t lol).

iT’s tHe pET DaMAge GuYz!! Yea the pet damage is so significant that im fully geared and my only priority now besides learning how to play is getting rid of all my mastery vault pieces for crit/haste bc pet dmg is not that important. Yes the pets do dmg…we get it, but cobra shot is our big damage dealer along with kill shot procs. Take all my mastery, I don’t want it (BM mastery is increased pet dmg if you didn’t know)

If the hunter is hitting cobra shot enough his dmg will be thw majority; if he hits kill commands his details dmg goes down

Turn on the everything setting on details. You will see the dmg from individual pets. The majority of their dmg is their direct damage, the pets still add a good amount still ofc. But they can 100% keep up on pressure if they need to move pet away etc.

Crazy thing is I’ll have arena matches vs BM hunters where their damage alone beats my damage or at least is extremely close to mine when they’re not even getting killshots (mending on flayed shots). Then obviously with their pet damage it adds up to blow my pressure out the water, but ya just the direct dps from cobra shot spam is insane

Ah, I bet it’s this; this makes sense. Isn’t one of them (kill command?) not even worth pressing anymore or something? Every time I do kill a let they freak out alllllll game trying time Rez it lol

Yes you should remove kill command from your dps rotation so it’s only cobra shot (then it’s pressing flayed shot off cd, barbed shot properly, and kill shot procs)

Sounds like solid uninterruptible dmg. Must be nice lol.

for those of you saying hunter is not strong in 3’s your a clown… Horizon has been playing jungle in AWC and pretty much no one has been able to beat them this season. They 3-0 the best team in EU over the weekend.

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Not trying to argue here. I’ve been puzzling over this. Disclaimer: I’m not good…

Shouldn’t MM be just as viable then? It can spam Arcane Shot (unmitigated) more than BM can Cobra and has arguably better kiting tools (for example, baseline binding + posthaste, shorter CC in scatter, etc. BUT, not the absurd refresh on conc shot with it’s focus dump.) I would PREFER to play MM, but there’s such a huge difference in passive chip damage from the pets by the end of the match that it’s hard to ignore. That is, while you’re doing work kiting, your pet is just cranking damage. MM doesn’t enjoy this advantage.

Arcane shot does terrible damage w/o precise shot procs and doesn’t have the same amount of passive focus regeneration as BM does

You can’t just infinite arcane shot as MM

You can infinite cobra shot as BM and the damage it does is competitive

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