Why hasn't BM been nerfed yet?

No. Some stuff i’ve lost to loses to stuff I win really easily against.

Its fine, I’d much prefer fighting bm then afflic lock.


Def agree bm much easier 2 deal with.

Best change they could do to BM would be to get rid of it’s current iteration

Make current Survival BM

Bring back LnL/Black Arrow/Snake Traps as the “new” survival

I don’t think a spec that is 100% mobile on its own and has satellite damage could ever feel rewarding or fun to fight when its strong.

I mean even in PvE is it really a challenge to keep up frenzy stacks and beastcleave

I could be fried tho, im sure people find BM relaxing and fun to play

Or they could give it actual skill shots if its gonna be able to do everything on the move while having easy resource maintenance

Yes it does

Imo biggest hinderance to SV is BM existing

There’s no hope in ever beating a BM hunter pmuch - they have to significantly outplay themselves when they have almost nothing they can do wrong

It is also not as safe naturally esp when it comes to 3v3 but imo Nf disc is probably enough on ladder to make up for the extra mana that’ll get burned for dealing with a SV hunter (ofc again Nf disc as Bm jungle is still even better)

But ya just BM existing as an option hurts SV significantly plus the fact that you can que into BM hunters also makes it harder

Only other thing that screws SV over is rdruids probably, good rdruid comps are just going to be much harder to deal with as SV than they’d be as BM where you can play really safe the entire time. BM is just low risk/high reward

But ya pet dying isn’t really the problem, if a team ever kills my pet once then I just take wild kingdom if necessary


TBH, and i know BM is super toxic good right now.

but slowly and surely ive started to see them die more and more.

however i think what they could do is increase pet health, and nerf aspect of turtle back to old deterrence. or something like that so pets dying is a bit harder ( i know its hard, but the trade off is better pet health for more reward if you kill it).

idk im just a scrub but thats what i think.

Pretty sure if craven was removed bm would be in a perfect spot as a sustained damage dealer who has CC.

Suicide though

The biggest advantage of BM besides just nonstop ranged dmg is that you will win eventually

You don’t really have to play to win which is how hunters get killed for the most part

Like you can just sit back and do dps while you’re attacked and you’ll be fine

Hunters obviously can die easily when people connect on them, that’s how the class works but you don’t need to give that opportunity as BM which is a major reason for it being such a massive threat

oh for sure, I obviously agree that they have to mess up or get baited into something. Im over here fighting 1800-1900 hunters so its not like im fighting the glad level ones lol.

Ya I just mean it’s not like there’s anything hard they need to do to live, just sitting back and hitting cobra shot is really easy for example

Just makes it really more of someone just actually killing themselves and not a real weakness

It’s like a mage complaining about combust always getting purged when they can generally control that

one time a clutched a kill on a ret paladin with arcane shot cause he BoPd and my purge didn’t get it, so I think i know a thing or two about hunters and they sometimes do more than Cobra shot my good sir… LOL.

So real question, what do you think the change should be, one change, that would make them in line? genuinely curious.

idk prolly just some big damage nerfs

it’s really hard to balance bm and make it a worthwhile spec to play though

best to still hit it anyways

They could try and overhaul the spec and change the very base fundamental way it plays, instead of buffing/nerfing or changing values ;0

Spirit bond replaces rez pet. Your pet automatically rezes itself 15 seconds after being killed.

Hunter and Pet now have the same health, hunter pets no longer gain benefit from increased healing. Mend pet heals pet for X amount and increases healing recieved by 15%.

All damage done to the pet has 20% of it replicated and done to the hunter.

Why hasn’t it been nerfed yet? Well… because they just got a buff for 1 and for 2 I love seeing being rickrolled put them in 2s if you inspect my noob self you can see my losses and 40 of those loses are from BM/Rdruid :joy:

What’d I do here lol

But Bm is a spec that shouldn’t be viable because when it is it is super busted like it is now.

I don’t play hunter so its OP. please nerf so my class is the best Blizzard.


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