Why greater drums? just add tinnitus

Your misrepresenting what I said…

Sapper is something that effects the damage you do, drums effects the group.

Yes 30 sappers going off us strong, but you can’t pop 30 drums at the same time. And get the effective of 30 drums.

The items work differently and that was the point I was making.

Yeah this isn’t really the fix people wanted. If you were really concerned with combating degenerate gameplay you would life LW requirements on drums, and add profession requirements on ring enchants and JC unique gems requiring the user to actively have those professions. The LW requirement alone removes a profession for a majority of the raid, and the other two cases I mentioned means dropping and releveling professions whenever you get an upgrade.

The reason they are saying it would be easier is because the raid would gain the benefit from drums still on top of the benefit of whatever bonus they gain from the profession they get in place of LW.

You can get most if not all the bonuses from other professions and still have leather working. Not requiring leather working will not increase the raids power.

what benefit would not needing to have leather working provide?

Take warlock for example

Soon as you get your bis tailor items drop tailor, soon as you get your bis rings enchant them and drop enchanting, level jewel crafting get your bis neck.

You can do all of this while keeping leather working. The only thing requiring leather working does is make the dropping and re leveling of professions a bigger pain.

idk maybe its different for specific classes specs??

Add debuff to drum usage, don’t force leatherworking. These changes are worse.

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Well as a warrior, not having to take LW means I can have BS and Engi for goggles and sapper/battle chicken.

Right but sappers aren’t going to get you past Brutallus or M’uru, and the goggles aren’t BiS by the time Sunwell opens. Sappers aren’t even that good on trash as most do CC and single target. So you have one, maybe two super sappers go off on a boss fight and increase your overall output by maybe 1% but probably less. It’s statistically insignificant compared with drums.

Refer to the live game and weep… after bconline I had really high hopes for tbc, within ~4 days of beta they have dashed all the hype they built for me.

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What are you talking about? He was saying if we are getting drums buff because it’s raid wide or something and everyone doesn’t need to take LW to benefit from them.

Let me simplify. They’re saying Sunwell may be too easy with raidwide drums because another prof can be taken by 20 people. Except none of the other professions give even a 1% individual bonus except JC, which would have been the minmax with LW anyway, or enchanting, which can be dropped and you keep your ring enchants. So really, no, it’s not getting any easier with that proposed change.

Tailoring has spellthread enchants as an fyi

This is very presumptive language.

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That everyone can use, yes. You dont need to be a tailor to use them.

Oh but they already stated that Sunwell was tuned around a raid team having maximum uptime on drums, so how would it be too easy if they already, in their own words, tuned it around that philosophy? /s

Not entirely true, being able to keep JC not just for the gem but BIS neck is pretty nice as well. Also Sunwell level goggles are pretty nice if you don’t have Cursed Vision or KJ helm.

You’d have kept JC anyway (and LW). Enchanting isn’t required for the enchanting perk, and 4th place is maybe situationally Engi? It’s just not going to break the game. You could have all the other profs except LW and if its required for drums, LW beats them all combined.

by saying we’re doing this anyway and we’re tossing your massive majority accepted suggestions in the trashcan lol


They should have just left it alone. Hopefully they learn the lesson that changes are bad. They’ll never please people, and reduce authenticity in the process.

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No you’d likely have BS and Engi until you get glaives if ever, and possibly drop Engi super late for JC. Perhaps not because chicken stacking might be the meta if LW gets nuked or becomes not required.

its pretty clear the dev team has no clue about understanding players desires or making tiny fixes to fix massive problems. kaivax is just the megaphone.

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