Why Feral DPS Needs a Buff in Cataclysm

So how many things do you feel feral needs to be top in for you to be satisfied?

PvP is often considered secondary and holds no importance in a PvE setting. A class excelling in PvP does not necessitate underperformance in PvE. For instance, the Fire Mage is currently top-tier in both PvP and PvE, and the Unholy Death Knight was similarly dominant in both during the entirety of WoTLK.

UDK was good the first 2 seasons of wrath and then every udk comp got hard farmed by war/pal. Falling from 6 R1 spots in S5 and 8 in S6, all the way down to 2 in S8. It was not “dominant”. Even in it’s best season S6 it wasn’t doing well because it was a dominant class, it did well because it was pairing with preg/prot paladins which were absolutely disgusting.

We’ve been over this. Stop repeating things that aren’t true to try and make a point.

No surprise at all that when you don’t use AI to write your posts you make things up though.

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Feral isn’t getting a buff, create 100 more threads it isn’t going to happen.

I told you to spend your time better like learning how to actually play feral instead of being in the 20th percentile of your class.

You learning how to perform in the 70+ percentile will be more of a buff than blizzard will ever give you.

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Enh is bad, near feral and it scales poorly with mastery. It will probably end up behind feral in the last tier because of this. Rdruid and resto sham are comparable in terms of healing and utility. Ele is an S-tier dps and balance is B/A. Sham doesn’t have a tank spec and feral is the BIS OT/2nd best MT all expac.

Rogue/lock are pure dps specs, why would they not be better at doing damage than a druid? They bring little utility and only have 1 way to get into a raid: do more dps.

Also, can you please stop lying to yourself and everyone else about DK, it’s wrong and we’ve told you multiple times it’s wrong.


For someone complaining about not wanting the staff to be available to 10 man players at the same time it’s going to be available to 25 man players, you sure do want Blizzard to change the game in your favor. Weird how you can apply the logic here, but not for the legendary staff.

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just like how he doesn’t want a “legendary top dps item” to be handed out like candy, but when it was wrath (the best expansion to him) its okay because its icc and there is a lot of melee dps

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As a feral druid player, the legendary staff from Firelands and Shadowmourne from ICC are irrelevant to my class, spec, or gameplay, and they are absolutely unrelated to the current topic of discussion.

I never stated that it shouldn’t be available for 10-man groups; rather, I said that it should not be acquired as quickly in 10-man as in 25-man. However, that is a topic for another forum/post and is irrelevant to this discussion. Therefore, if you are not going to contribute constructively to the topic at hand, please refrain from posting with the intention of derailing or trolling this discussion.

buffing feral = icc 2.0 ferals doing unthinkable dmg

no thanks


Lol, that’s not comparable. Armor pen scaled very nicely for feral in WoTLK and in ICC but that isn’t the case in cata.

Not, just bringing back the OOC buff might bring feral from below pvp specs to maybe on par with other low tier pve specs.

this buff wasn’t in the game in OG cata, bringing it back for ferals to do a few thousand more dps when you’re already clearing all the content in the game without it seems pointless

In the original Cataclysm, feral druids were at the top of the damage meters, but this is no longer the case we are in the final build of Cataclysm where feral have been nerfed.

raid finder was added during dragon soul. NEXT.

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cool, but 1 guy is asking for the omen buff, while you’re asking for a % weapon AP “revert”

which do you guys want? but at the end of the day, why do either matter if you’re breezing through the content without it???

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The weapon damage revert is a lie, it only nerfed swipe. Not all of feral’s damage. He’s an idiot.

*Swipe has been reduced to 340% weapon damage, down from 415%.

Literally from the patch notes.


We’re simply seeking a buff that elevates our damage to A/B Tier, rather than remaining at F Tier; we have no desire to become the S Tier flavor of the month. Our aim is to secure a buff that keeps us competitive. I’ve outlined several potential buffs in addition to glyph enhancement and weapon restoration.


what happens when you buff feral and this guy does unthinkable dps in his raids? specifically nerf him?

seems like feral doesnt need a buff


I would be fine if feral was balanced the same as it was in OG cata as well, so sure let’s go that route.

Feral and everyone else are balanced around having T13. Wait your turn to scale like you were supposed to do in wrath.