Why even try to chase higher item level?

By that logic why even play any expansion if it will be obloslete by the next expansion?

You’ve cracked the code.

A lot of devs have previous jobs that aren’t game related. Feels like a bit of a crap take to say they can’t also do games (with nothing but a hunch to go with)

Starting a whole new gearing cycle 3-4 months before the next expansion prepatch (when everything will be replaced by greens and blues) is a stretch by any definition.

And it is showing. I call it ionization. I think most experienced game developers wouldn’t touch blizz with a 50 foot pole. It wont look good on a resume for another gaming company. Brain drain is very real there.

And I think you’re just pulling doodoo out of your bum. Having a previous, unrelated job or degree doesn’t preclude being good at anything else in life.

Ghost crawler was a marine biologist and since moved on to Riot (not sure if he’s still there)

Ion was a lawyer and did really well at encounter design prior to moving up

I’m not going to pretend wow is always amazing but to come in here and just say “he did [unrelated field] previously, so basically he already sucks” is a bit dumb.

Judge it crap when it shows itself to be crap, not before imo.

I like doing challenging content and the gear drops increase my probability of success.

Honestly, I don’t think I’ll try much for this season. I am going to be busy here in two weeks, and even if I do get a chance to play it probably won’t be long except for on the weekends. That and why bother? My gear will be replaced with blues and greens. No one will look at my IO from season four.

Hello, I see you posted a thread with deep thought. I don’t know, OP, but you are making me question why chase item level at all considering each patch makes it higher! In fact, your thread now has me questioning why play the game at all! Thank you, OP, I am going to go cancel my pre-order right this second!

Thanks for your post and have a great day!

Being a Mechanical Engineer contributes about as much to combat design as being a Truck Driver does.

I just want the purple S4 KSM mount. And for that I need gear to run +15s.

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read the analysis of the paladin prot tree for DF for what is being said of it. and yes experience matters. You are the one blowing smoke if you think 4 months at dev work qualifies one to make engaging content.

Dopamine, mostly.

Blizz wants to ensure the gear treadmill will never end by making the previous tier completely obsolete. Don’t expect this to change. Whatever gear you get will only be good for a few months until it’s worthless.

Because I want to do 20s, but I suck at this game so I need gear to assist in the process.

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That’s why there is no longer any sense of progression left. Might as well just relevel a new (insert fomo class here) every season.

When this was a real mmo things you did in the previous expansion mattered and your avatar was an evergreen system.

What they do now is out of sheer apathy and petulant ineptitude.

You realize that’s how Ion got the job, correct?

He was a raider that posted about the mathematical impossibility of fighting C’Thun.

When they saw it (and realized he was right), they asked him if he wanted a job.

because having the same ilvl and never improving = stale.

You won’t boring gameplay where progression doesn’t matter I would recommend a shooter

I’m only chasing it to get my goals.

KSM + all raids cleared on normal(maybe heroic), once I have my goals complete I will be done.

Ilvl for now just helps make it easier to get picked up into groups.

PvP. That’s pretty much it.

I enjoy PvPing. Shadowlands PvP requires you to have higher item levels.