Why even try to chase higher item level?

The season is way too short I agree. I like how we have seasons that last a year and some for only a few months…

I’m only playing one toon just to experience the dungeons.

I mean, what’s the point in chasing ilvl in DF s1 even? s2 will have even better gear, or hell wait until s3!

the point of chasing ilvl is to see how far into difficult content you can push and/or getting higher ilvl is simply a consequence of playing.


Highly unlikely that the pre-patch gear will be above normal raid ilvl (probably lower). The DF entry point will have a low gear requirement to accommodate new players/alts so the pre-patch events won’t need to reward high ilvl gear.

Because playing the content that awards gear is fun?


I didn’t do M+ in Legion.
I didn’t do M+ in BfA.
I started M+ in S1 in SL … but I didn’t really know what I was doing. Although I got KSM, it was a novice effort.

S2 in SL I thought would be easier, since I already got KSM, it meant getting into groups would be easier, right?!! lol!!! I was so annoyed with having to do the same grind all over again, I almost didn’t bother. But I still got KSM.

S3, I was so busy with RL stuff, I hardly had a chance to even get one +15 done a week just to keep up. I finished KSM, like, 4-5 weeks ago!

And now with S4, I could finally apply all I had learned and “start fresh.” I’m fully aware of the treadmill, but getting KSM much more on my own terms is what I’m looking forward to.

But Blizzard is going to have to do something about both Kara dungeons and Grimrail. >(

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Check this out:

My gawd a former mechanical engineer with 4 months game development experience. Major brain drain at blizz.

Why bother with DF? Let alone ilev in patch 4. Many of us are taking a long break from this no talent gaming sinkhole. None of the talent trees are getting good reviews. Now we know why. They lied when they said they have been working on DF since SL release.

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So basically ANYONE who has been a hardcore raider for 6 years or more is qualified to design content in this game…

I don’t know whether to laugh or cry at this point.

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As much as I would like to agree I have to remind me what’s a MMO.
MMOs are about grind, players who’s doing it for power play are clearly not on the right game type, there’s ARPG out there which have way better systems, mechanics and progression in that matter.

Once campaigns are cleared, only thing left to do is grinds, there’s plenty of grind available in every xpack, the one which is refreshed from patch to patch is ilvl grind.

I mean, I feel I could design a better game that what SL gave us.

Is that really saying much?

He may be great at it, with time and design experience, but his narrow focus on hardcore raiding isn’t really what the game needs right now.

Blizzard has had raiding on lock forever ( by this I mean they do it better than anyone) so I don’t really see what he is bringing to the game that they don’t already have covered.

It’s like
“You have NO game design experience BUUUUT you raid at a hardcore level, YOU’RE HIRED”

I would think there would be much better candidates for game design with experience than him.
it’s Ion all over again.

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I wonder why the rest of the talent trees are getting poor reviews as well.


Sometimes it feels like their design intent is: we know the 1%ers are going to stay. So if we can expand that 1% to 3%… that’s a 300% increase!!!

But … I mean…


Do you want to do content in s4 or simply wait until it passively goes up in df? What about in df - do you chase ilvl in 10.0 or not worry about it because it will increasew in 10.1?

Chances of an ilvl increase on prepatch are very slim - at best they might add some prepatch transmogs that are equal ilvl.

Well in season 2 of DF, it will increase again. And then in season 3 it will once again and then the next expansion will increase it yet again. I am struggling to understand your point really as this has been the case for pretty much the entire lifespan on the game.

Same reason nihilists don’t all kill themselves.
Just 'cause.

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Try to look at it another way OP.
The season is so short, don’t worry about BIS and such, just do the content you enjoy and if you get some upgrades along the way, cool.

If you don’t, no sweat, we get all new gear to go for in a few months anyway.

Higher ilvl = more damage (unless you’re bad) = mobs die faster = complete quests faster = get to max level faster

Because increasing ilevel is a form of progression, and people like to progress in games.

By that logic why even play any expansion if it will be obloslete by the next expansion?

You’ve cracked the code.