Why era GDKP's are garbage

Why classic Era Gdkps are garbage most of the Gdkps’s are run by complete Toxic raid leaders who care more about clear times then profit. For example. most major GDKP guilds like Era Land before time Bad seed refuse to take pure buyers. If they do take pure buyers and they contribute over half the pot they will still either take 50% of their cut or all of their pay. Back when I raid lead in TBC we had 3 defining roles Carry, Hybrid and pure buyer. our carrys needed nothing from the raids a Hybrid was someone who needed 1 to 3 items from said raid. Half these GDKP guilds are taking AQ40/BWL so serious when it comes to pure buyers that when they don’t perform I’ve witnessed them being called out on disc and the carries backing the RL. My shaman was one of them when he was sitting at a 500 gs in AQ40. In no way am i saying take purebuyers to naxx its endgame content. but holy crap you people wonder why ur AQ40/BWL pots are such garbage because your playing Russian roulette on the off chance a GoA drps and an arnament that like 3 people need. Admin cuts should be excluded from these runs bc they take little to no effort to form when u are legitimately taking all carries and hybrids. Im personally glad im in an SR guild the GDKP system in era is more punishing then it is rewarding and it is disgusting how some of you RL act the unethical part is when you punish people for screwing up in raid but ive witnessed countless numerous times in my raids leadership doing dumb crap like forgetting to swap mit gear etc. but watched a rogue pull broodlord by mistake didn’t cause a wipe half the raid died and lost 50% of his cut. I’ve been docked b4 for screw ups but its not often no one is perfect in this game and the amount of hate spewed on the mic is insane KPNS and Era GDKP are great examples. A shoutout to some of the few GDKP’s i been to that do take purebuyers and give them full cuts and try to find a balance and put in the work to earn an admin cut Coalition(horde) and Bearbulance(aliance).

I agree. They are garbage. Let’s not talk about them and really show them how little we care.

im playing on classic era now like vanilla and the style has transitioned so piss poorly its insane like going into wotlk they completely abandon the idea of pure buyers. in classic, its transitioned into speed clearing like wtf is that? the soul purpose of GDKP’s is to make gold If ur a competitive guild do traditional methods.