Why Dragon Riding has made me feel less motivated to play WoW

I do this. But it isn’t about the rarity. It’s the design.

I see a new pretty thing, I look into how to get it. Inevitably leading to exploring something I haven’t done before, And in this way, I learn more about the world.

I want to dragonride on my bee.

They could have made Clippy from Word a mount and so long it went almost 3 times as fast as the fastest previous mounts AND allowed for more engaging flying experience, I would be riding around a paper clip.

I really dont care if sleepy randos want to AFK putter around, watch old sitcoms and one shot world quest mobs but please leave interactive travel in for those of us who really enjoy and appreciate it.

Dragon flying and the quality and speed of zipping around is the best thing added to this game in… a long time, ever? Just let it apply to all flying mounts and make a system for ground mounts too. Dashing, leaping, drifting. Traversal and exploration needs more and this is a good way to deliver it.

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It is a bit annoying to ride a dragon riding mount when traveling a short distance and it’s not great for sight seeing

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Not the best attitude imo. Based on that principle, if enough people leave because of one or more major design decisions not working for them, eventually you will be playing the game equivalent of a ghost town. Having options is better than having none at all.


Every other expansion begins with no flying in the new continent. This one is the same way, but gives you the option to fly within the conditions it created. I don’t see the reason for the whining.

Wrong Cata had flying from start due too how some of the zones were designed.

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Some people will complain about anything.

You know what, I don’t care about botting. Never negatively impacted my game in a noticeable way. Dragonriding caused me to unsub for the first time since I bought vanilla WoW.

I will never play WoW again if the only way to get around is Ram Racing in the Sky. And no you can’t have my stuff.

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Really, I do not mind dragon riding, it is faster, but control is what really sucks about it. The special toolbar also sucks, I cannot count how many times I go to hit an attack button only to go zooming off unexpectedly. I think they wanted it to be more interactive engaging , like you were doing something, racing, going somewhere fast. But there are times I would like to get to point B whilst looking something up online at the same time. I have not seen any place where people like the new dragon riding over the older style.

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Forced dragon riding sucks.

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The mount restriction is not great I would admit.

But dragon riding just beats regular flight. It’s not even a contest. To me if you like regular flying that’s like saying your preferred pizza out of everything on the planet is domino’s.

There’s no accounting for taste but that’s just wrong

True Ions war on fling started next xpac .

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maybe the stoners are the ones that are choosing it over dragonriding. and they are so stoned they dont understand that 420 means flight speed :upside_down_face:

So, you want the game to be less engaging? That’s going to be a hard sell to both Blizzard and other gamers.

But overall, I imagine the reason they want Dragonriding to take precedent is because, a) new feature and people get REAL mad when there aren’t new features, and b) aesthetic.

Yes, having a giant mish-mash of weirdo mounts seems neat to you. But in the Dragon Isles, we are meant to have dragonflights returning to their homelands. The whole vibe Blizzard wants to portray is dragons EVERYWHERE. NPC dragons, just plain ol non-hit box dragons, and players. They WANT an overabundance of dragons because that’s what the Dragon Isles are meant to be. It isn’t meant to be random gem panthers, giant books, and goblin mechs.

This has completely removed the need for other mounts. It sucks, why do i have them even if there are dragons and now, they are bringing dragons to Azeroth also. My mount collection is meaningless now.

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exactly!! All these people sticking up for dragon flying, lets see how many stick with the four dragon mounts if/when they introduce all mounts in the new area

What a waste of a post

No one cares