Why Dragon Riding has made me feel less motivated to play WoW

I don’t think that’s the case anymore, pretty sure bots have found a workaround.

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I’ve found that if I just jump off the valdrakken tower I can glide pretty comfortably, using all my stamina plus what regenerates albeit, practically anywhere. And that’s only having like two things on the tree, one of them being better stamina regeneration.

I don’t like it, because it doesn’t let me get back to valdrakken easily (I take a fp or dalaran hearth ftw), but it is okay to get from the capital to any, say, wq. I guess.

Still want normal flying but I won’t jump through too many hoops for it just like I didn’t do pathfinder in WoD, Legion or BfA. I don’t count SL because getting 40 in your covenant was totally going to happen if you did literally anything at all. The other three looked like total pains in the butt, I was happy that one was just “do whatever and you got this yo.”

The whole anti dragonriding fervor on the forums was fueled by every goofy argument under the sun. Really they want to AFK hover safely, but they are going to wheel out a Vietnam Veteran with 1 working finger and say "see Bob here can’t fly anymore! This is an accessibility issue!! Didn’t think Blizzard hated (insert every marginalized group they can think of)!!

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I offered a viable solution. It’s not my fault you’re completely nuts.

Look at the sheer variety of flying mounts
Drakes, Proto drakes, helicopters and mechanicals, griffons, bats, wyverns, horses, dragonwaks, bugs, could serpents. Off the top of my head alone we have 10+ different types, more because mechanicals include Mimiron’s Head, the spiders from Mechagon, Sky Golemn, and so on.
What we have with dragonriding is… what we had before. There aren’t any new types of flying mount with the mounts we use from dragonriding? We have the wyvern, the proto drake, the drake, and the Zandalari druid moonkin form.

Pffft better than being forced to use ground mounts

What, you don’t like dragon ore, dragon herbs, dragon mobs, dragon food and dragon loot?

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You have a good point.

Our other flying mounts (especially the drakes) should be able to fly normally. It wouldnt hurt anything at all and would be completely within lore boundaries. Hey could even open up dragon riding to all existing “drake” mounts and have regular flying apply to all non-“drake” mounts and it would still work IMO.

Dragon riding would still be infinitely faster with a max speed of 800% vs the 310% of a normal flying mount but the option would be nice. Also just hovering to go grab a drink so some random elite doesn’t come along and kill you.

I will say that if youre running out of vigor, you’re doing it wrong. I can literally fly loops around the entire dragon isles without ever having to land. Climbing the tall mountains may take some figure 8s but I never run out of vigor.

Why don’t you just land on the edge of a cliff? That’s what I do and have never had an issue. There’s so much verticality in this expansion there’s always a spot nearby when I need to take a short break and don’t want to log (which is also always an option).


Then stop playing. Its simple, really.

That is your opinion but I much prefer to use my druids to herb in flight form flight then riding on a dragon now that I keep having to stop using to power up its vigor all day long…never had to power up my druids so they could fly…


I had a 6 month sub before DF launched, it’s about to expire. I was a mount collector, I wasn’t the best, but I enjoyed it. The fact that all those years of collecting is now worthless is the main reason I won’t resub. It’s absolutely stupid they couldn’t launch dragon riding and normal flight side by side.

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That has to be the most asinine thing you could say. Yes, if you’re dissatisfied with dragon riding, just quit.

We need more subs, not less.


They are removing old flying from all zones and replacing with dragonflight in 10.2 or thereabouts. The players wanted this and Blizz has really delivered.

Typical lie from the pro dragon gliding cultists where is the source your lie is coming from let me guess your rear end. :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:


I think it’s odd that 99% of complaints about dragonriding are that you can’t hover. Seriously? Go land somewhere. Or log. Not to say that Warcraft is rooted in reality, but do you really think a dragon is just gonna wanna constantly hover so you can make a hot pocket?

I mean, I think not hovering is great. Stops trolls from crowding something like a glyph mid-air so people cant get to it… the new mailbox block gag.

Dragonriding is fast, but also sometimes requires strategy and planning. God forbit you actually have to think once in a while…

Didn’t Ion say that dragon flying would continue, however the team was looking for a way to not invalidate the current mount collections?

I honestly love dragon riding, however i see peoples point. Maybe the best solution is after DF to allow all flying mounts to use dragonflight mechanics?

Only if it’s 100% optional. Otherwise, what about for those whose problem is with DR itself? Just quit?


Ehh thats a tough one. Dragon riding, despite the vast minority disliking it, is the most popular and imo best feature added in a LONG time.

So I would be down for it being optional. However im a the needs of the many kind of guy. Honest opinion id rather they quit than have DR removed, again though for those that dont like it a simple toggle off would suffice.

Things change and inevitably not everyone is going to like everything.

That is right you can’t hoover when your trying to check out looking for a specific mob or herb or node…or a cave opening …DF forces you to the ground into the mobs or lava or whatever is around …its too damn fast to check for things on the ground from the map either you buzz right by what your trying to find…