Why Dragon Riding has made me feel less motivated to play WoW

huh… i’ve been les motivated to play WoW cause of how pristine everything looks on the dragon isles. i mean, sure, there’s a hint of ruins here and there, but everything is just so… clean looking to me (aside from the gnolls of course).

Dragon riding is likely to stay an expansion only feature. Might be shelved for the next one anyway.

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Hate to break it to ya buddy but blizzard has stated multiple times that dragon riding will be the new flying from here on forward and infact are working to apply it to old mounts. They are very happy with how people has responded to it.

Dunno where you got this from but I’d check my sources.

Thought I remember an article about them not being sure it was going to go to other zones. technical challengers or something, but I could be wrong. I’m not against it sticking around as it’s somewhat fun. I just miss my other mounts for the variation it offers.

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At most they have said they were unsure if it may move forward but would depend on interest. While they have never said it was going to completely replace regular flying as stated by the last poster, they have since confirmed Dragonriding is going forward past Dragonflight. One can see the interview video as such in my post 6 posts before yours saying it was an expansion only feature.

Draktyr flying from one side of a continent to the other with their racial which works the same but without free recharges while gliding kinda killed that article like in alpha lol

This argument is ridiculous. No, I’ve never been able to do those quests where you have to ride through rings at breakneck speed. It’s not fun having to repeat one of them a dozen times. They have always been optional before. But not now. Now they are mandatory, because obviously (to you anyway) every mechanic in the game is exactly like riding through rings out of range of your vision at breakneck speed.

But yeah, if you are proud to be ableist and want everybody to know you are, you’re doing it right.

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same, i love dragon riding. i tell you i do not miss old world flying one bit. everytime i go to stormwind now and spend 45 minutes flying from the mage tower to the trade district i get all annoyed with how horrible old flying was.

Anyone else surprised by the new look dragon we’re getting for dragon riding?

I’d have thought we might gotten a mech version, two built by goblins and two by gnomes. I mean, it’s hard to think that those two races didn’t look at the dragons being flown around and say, “Hey, I could make a much better looking dragon, with rockets!”

lol ableist. Whatever. Get a friend to fly you through them then

I feel like less of the dragon riding would of made the zones a touch more interesting. But that is apretty big bandaid

I think it’s funny that people are always complaining about the gogogo being so bad in WoW and Blizz found a way to ruin flying the same way lol.

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45 mins from Mage Tower of SW too Trade area of SW…Please stop making up such lies now…

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yes it is true. and even longer if the wind is blowing in from the east in from the burning steppes.

Honestly they just need to give us the ability to use dragon riding in the old content. Old World flying to those other dungeons is awful now unless you’re an Evoker.

Dragon riding has actually made me want to play the game more. It makes it such but easier and quicker to bang out WQs and quests for Loremaster that when I am on my alts I am willingly questing for renown.

Oh, yeah! Getting carried 100% of the time is the way to deal with it! Surely that will help your buddies at blizzard central get bigger yachts by your insistence on normalizing carries instead of playing the game.

Nobody owes you their time. Nobody owes it to you or any other malignant, entitled stranger to buy the expansion.

If you can’t accept that there are a variety of different reasons why people find it difficult, that’s a you thing that you share with the people who designed it with the intent of forcing a lot of players they should have known wouldn’t be happy with it to get over whatever impairment they had and git gud at it. Because trying to force people to git gud at something they really don’t like, find frustrating, and aren’t good at due to physical limitations has been a big growth strategy for Blizzard, right?

I tried the free trial. I got as far as the dragonriding quest. I tried it once, and realized there was going to be a very steep learning curve for me. So I could spend the rest of my weekend suffering through trying to figure it out. Or go back to what I was doing. And since there were places I had to reach but couldn’t without dragonriding, I went back to what I was doing.

But guess what? I felt differently about the game for having taken part in the free trial, after having dismissed over 100 popups trying to convince me to buy the expansion, after having tried dragonriding. I felt different about retail. And so I went back to classic, even though I never thought I would want to do that.

I can honestly say that having taken part in the free trial made me less likely to continue playing the game. So it had the opposite effect.


I prefer dragonriding and think they should expand it to all mounts and get rid of the old slow boring riding.

Bonus effect: It helps with botting.

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I don’t think anyone really rides around in awe of other people’s mounts anymore. Way back in the day when there were very few and the rare ones stood out, sure. But now there are so many mounts than you could be riding around on the rarest one in the world and nobody would even notice.

420 speed vs 850 speed. Yeah people choosing 420 would be the dum

Ha! The guy that thinks speed is the only thing that matters to players calling other people dumb. Ironic.