Why don't Tauren join the Alliance?

Two reasons I can think of off the top of my head: 1) What happened at Baal Modan.
2) NElf interaction with the Centaur and Thralls response to the threat the Centaur posed to the Bloodhoof tribe.

Umm yes they were, the Dark ranger they were harboring was a wanted criminal with links to Sylvanas.

Cops don’t have access to magical powers that let them enter a person’s mind, if they did, they would.

They weren’t being tortured as punishment, the Orc mother had her mind invaded which felt like torture, but torture was just a side effect

They had information regarding the whereabouts of the biggest Global threat to the planet where time was of the essense, no time for ‘trials’.

Sure they did, they had every reason to believe that Dalaran was infested with traitors and spies and chose to arrest/evict every Horde member because they couldn’t be trusted.

How is arresting people, “Ethnic cleansing”?

Nothing ‘unlawful’ about it, the moment Blood Elves abused the neutrality of Dalaran it no longer became a Neutral city, it become Alliance town, so Jaina had every right to do what she did.

Again, Dalaran was no longer a neutral city, just a staging ground for the Horde to backstab the Alliance.

I actually can’t decipher what you said here cause of what I hope are spelling mistakes.

Boot licker justification for most abuses.

They absolutely did not have any good reason to think that.


Alliance and Horde were at WAR, they didn’t feel like being lenient to a faction that kept abusing their kindness.

TWICE in one expansion the Horde betrayed Dalaran’s neutrality, for all Jaina knew, every single Sunreaver was just using Dalaran to further the goals of the Horde and these ‘isolated’ incidents would just keep happening with the same, “Oh another Sunreaver betrayed Dalaran’s neutrality? Darn, just an isolated incident though” excuse being used. Jaina decided enough was enough

Which had nothing to do with Dalaran and was only being kept by the Alliance because they weren’t going to use it.

Used DALARAN portals to steal it, thus using Dalaran resources which is a blatant breach of neutrality.

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The bare minimum standard isn’t being lenient, lol.

Except that’s a really dumb conclusion to come to and could have been resolved by even a modicum of investigation. When this is a city of mages where it is a ‘simple spell’ to see people’s memories. Again, absolutely no reason to think Dalaran was infested with traitors and spies.

This would be like two boy scouts end up joining ISIS and President Trump saying ‘time to arrest and kill them everyone in that organization, I guess’.

Jaina was a member of Dalaran’s ruling council. It is a blatant abuse of neutrality for a member of a ruling council to personally help a faction.


To members of a faction who are routinely commit genocide then break promises to remain neutral in Dalaran it is.

And who says they can’t use magic to make their ‘memories’ fake?

Two incidents in one expansion? You best be s*&ting me.

False equivalency

Irrelevant, she didn’t use Dalaran resources to help secure the bell, which isn’t even helping the Alliance, just keeping the bell away from the Horde because they cannot be trusted with it.

Naw, absolutely not for the Alliance.

Who is to say they can?

Two is a small number, rofl. How high can you count?

They are absolutely equivalent. Being a Sunreaver is an organization, that’s it. We could compare this to any organization or group. Being German, being in the CIA. Ultimately two people out of hundreds is a really, really dumb conclusion to say 'we should arrest and kill all of the people in this group.

Jaina, as a leader member of Dalaran, is by definition one of their greatest resources. You know this.

Warding an Alliance city can only be construed as helping the Alliance.


Maybe that’s the problem, the Sunreavers thought the Alliance would keep turning the other cheek.

With all that magic can achieve I don’t doubt they can

When it comes to betrayal from within, it’s a massive amount, 1 across multiple expansions would be suspect.

Boy scouts are a US organization, Sunreavers are a Horde organization, a faction that is at War with the Alliance that promised to not get involved with the faction war which they have twice.

She’s still allowed to help the Alliance out when it comes to defence, just like the Sunreavers are allowed to help the Horde out, she just isn’t allowed to use Dalaran resources are lie about her allegiances

It’s helping keep the Divine Bell out of the war, as the Alliance weren’t going to use it as she couldn’t trust keeping it in Dalaran, and was proven right.

Trials aren’t turning the other cheek.

So no actual evidence. I guess there is a tea cup behind the moon.

Not really. Warcraft is plagued by Twilight cultists, Cult of the Damned, Legion cults. Two is pretty small.

Boy Scouts in the U.S., I’m pretty sure, willingly aren’t involved in the conflict with ISIS, which the U.S. is involved against.

If two Iraqis were engaged in terrorism, it would be dumb to say ‘we should arrest or kill all Iraqi nationals in the U.S.’

No, that’s a blatant breach of neutrality and hypocritical.

It is helping the Alliance maintain an advantage over the Horde, there’s no question about it. The Alliance keeping a weapon from the Horde is part of the war.


They aren’t being sentenced, just kept in holding until either the war is over or the full extent of corruption had been found.

No evidence they can just mind read them and get the whole truth instantly anyway.

Those are groups that everyone knows is evil and doesn’t pretend not to be, unlike the Sunreavers

If the US were at war with Iraq, and two Iraqi nationals in the US both betrayed the US on two separate occasions in the span of a year you bet the US would come down on all of them.

Nope, Sunreavers were allowed to help the Horde in defensive ways which is what Jaina did. What they weren’t allowed to do was abuse the neutral city in ways that both factions agreed not to.

It’s no an advantage for the Alliance because they weren’t using it and it wasn’t the Horde’s to begin with.

Listen, I know for a fact what Jaina did during the Purge was 100% justified, you’re never going to convince me that I’m wrong because I know I’m right so if you want to keep wasting both our time debating you can keep going.

More Alliance hand-waving.



‘Just indefinitely imprisoned or killed with their property stolen without much investigation.’ That’s not a nation I’d call good.

Yes there is, lol. We’ve seen the spells.

And they are still hidden traitors, they hide their allegiance as they betray like Benedictus. So two isn’t much with all the sleeper cults pretending to be loyalists that are always popping up.

Rofl, no. The U.S. would not arrest or kill all Iraqi nationals for that. With the variety of domestic terrorism and crime, that’s not how things are pursued.

No, the neutrality has always been a joke constantly being abused. In the same way Jaina helped funnel attacking Alliance troops through Theramore.

Depriving someone of a weapon is absolutely an advantage in a war. The fact the Horde don’t have it helps the Alliance.

It isn’t so much about convincing someone that hates rights and supports torture that he’s wrong, because I get that’s the kind of dude you are from other posts. They’re valid differences of opinion if you think people should be imprisoned, killed, and property taken without much to justify it. Just showing how bad your argument is.


Na just Alliance deciding to grow a pair

LOOOOOOL same thing, ok what did Alliance do that is comparable with Bombing Theramore of Burning Teldrasill?

Not indefinite

And I’m sure that there are spells to hide the truth and for all we know it’ll take too long.

Except they weren’t part of sleeper cults, we know this, they WERE Sunreavers through and through.

The Sunreavers weren’t killed they were put down for resisting arrest. Jaywalking isn’t a crime punishable by death but if cops try and arrest you and you come at them with a knife you are getting put down.

If this is before Jaina joined Dalaran(before Theramore was bombed) this doesn’t count.

Except Darnassus found it first, so by rights it is theirs.

Stop the strawman BS lol, I don’t believe in rights for criminals or terrorists, at least the same rights law abiding citizens deserve.

The Sunreavers refused to leave Dalaran on their own accord so they had to be punished

Resisting arrest for the billionth time, and as for property if they’re going to be abusing Dalaran’s neutrality they’re going to suffer punishment. Besides it’s just temporary seizing so till the war is over so they can’t use it to help the Horde.

You said ‘til the war is over or the extent of corruption is discovered’, that’s an indefinite period of time.

Then cite them.

And? We’re talking about if two traitors is many. Whether or not the organization is a sleeper cell doesn’t mean the world isn’t full of traitors. That’s what a sleeper cell or traitor cultist is.

Being ‘put down’ means killed, rofl. You realize the Kirin Tor has a large amount of non-lethal methods of subduing people? Feeding people to sharks or just killing them wasn’t necessary as a means of self defense or as a means of stopping.

You’re also avoiding the point that rounding up people based on tenuous connection like this is dumb and bad.

They were trying to leave and/or hide, lol. And getting fed to sharks!

That doesn’t mean keeping it out of Horde hands isn’t an advantage, that’s why they went for it…

Firstly, even criminal and terrorists deserve rights, so you just proved my point. But moreso you have already said you are fine with the people here having there rights suspended or tortured who were not proven wrong doers. So no, you clearly don’t care about rights and torture.

Rofl, they weren’t allowed to leave. There was a specific quest about stopping that.

There’s nothing wrong with resisting an unjust arrest and fleeing from authority doesn’t give them the right to execute them.

Again, you don’t care about rights.

You’re fine with people being arrested for membership of a nation without evidence of their actual involvement.
You’re fine with people being killed for fleeing arrest without evidence of some imminent danger by said individual.
You’re fine withholding charging and trying said people.
You’re fine with people being tortured without trial.
You’re fine with property seizure and retaining without due process.

Yeah, you just like a fascist state.

I’ve never seen lore saying it would be returned, seeing as this is the quest.

Head him off and make sure he doesn’t steal any resources from our coffers. He relinquished whatever funds he left in the bank when he and his Sunreaver kind betrayed us.


Horde tortures people = evil
Alliance tortures people = growing a pair

Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Alliance hand-waving. Remember, if it’s bad but Alliance do it then it’s not bad because someone else did it first or worse. We’re only a short distance away from justifiable genocide at this point.

Wait for it…



A certain hard core night elf fan on this forum already justified that. So the set is complete


[Citation Needed]

Well, I agree that neutral of Dalaran was compromised when Jaina used it troops to fight the war.

But no, even if you stage a coup and take over the government, you don’t have a right to commit ethnic cleansing.

And, again, that doesn’t give you the right to commit ethnic cleansing.

[Though I like how you cite “war” to justify the arbitrary arrest and death of civilians but then call the theft of an object “backstabbing”.]


oh no dude, that poster in particular crossed “Genocide is okay when the Alliance does it” a year ago at minimum.


Alliance diehards (or nelf diehards, whatever, apparently there’s a distinction these days) have been saying that genocide against the Horde would be justified for years now. Even before Teldrassil was burned.


We have spells to turn people into animals, read people’s mind, traverse space and time, create clones of ourselves but one that makes it impossible to read your mind is really that farfetched?

One of the traitors was leader of the Sunreavers, that’s all the proof Jaina needed the organization couldn’t be trusted.

Lots of the people,“Resisting arrest” were doing so by fighting back with magic, like fireball magic. IRL no competent police force tries to fight back an armed gunman with tasers and smoke grenades.

They were part of an organisation were their leader was complicit in helping out the Horde betray Dalaran’s neutrality, why would Jaina not give herself a massive advantage by rounding them up and imprisoning them so any traitors couldn’t just escape to the Horde?

Uhh no plenty of quests have them fight back

Lemme paint an anology, let’s say China and Japan were at war and they burned bridges with every other country so they had no allies. Japan finds an anti-matter weapon in Antarctica left their by Aliens and take it back to their country so the Chinese don’t get it. Everyone knows Japan won’t use it and that China would no questions asked. Another country ensuring it won’t get stolen isn’t ‘helping Japan’ it’s keeping it away from people who would misuse it.

Dalaran being neutral doens’t mean it’s gonna let factions at war risk f’ing up the planet.

Minimal rights, obviously. The basic ones, they still get jailed.

They were at first, they resisted so Jaina’s went “Screw this, arrest them all so they can’t take Dalaran resources with them”

Disagree on what happened in the purge being ‘unjust’

Because Dalaran has a group in it with proven traitors, even one at leadership. They also knew that if they didn’t apprehend them they would be a flight risk and just leave Dalaran and defect to the Horde, why would Jaina bother letting traitors free when they are at war with a genocidal faction?

Yeah there is evidence, during the quest we had people fighting back

IRL? no. In situations where an enemy faction is trying to destroy ones way of life and we have people who may or not be traitors with resources that would aid these people trying to destroy us? Hell yeah.

I think in the context of what happened in MOP, deciding to put your people’s safety over the rights of the enemy who would annihilate you is just common sense.

Seeing as we had the Sunreavers released at the end of MOP, it only makes sense their property was returned to.

Horde tortures people for no reason other then to get their kicks off

Alliances ‘tortures’ as a side effect of extracting information that could end up saving the Universe(Sylvanas is a universal threat at this point)