Why don't Tauren join the Alliance?

Man why even play this game when you’re already living in a fantasy land.

Because every intelligent Alliance citizen collectively realised the ‘norm’ for the Alliance sucks balls and it’s time for a change. No mercy for the enemy.

Fool me once shame on you…

It’s like the whole ‘nice guy’ debate. Just because someone is a ‘Nice guy’ doesn’t mean they are nice people. Like Anduin is a ‘good guy’ even though his weak, trusting nature has screwed over innocents so many times that his ‘goodness’ becomes ironic and he would have caused less suffering if he had put his foot down sooner.

Who’s “Crime” was harboring a fugitive and not giving information regarding their whereabouts.

I don’t think IRL people can harbor serial killers and suffer no consequences for not speaking.

That they get credit for.

How is it even a warcrime when it has nothing to do with war by the way?

If it didn’t would mean it wasn’t a mirror.

Not necessarily and fear, but otherwise correct.

But that is a far cry from something within the void telling her to do it. It is instead, her own thoughts.

You can’t really say that is playing into the plans of any Void entity. Nor would it matter. Even if some Void entity was gitty about it, that doesn’t change the fact that it served to save untold lives.

I am not sure why you think it is less moral to make some void entity momentarily pleased than to let inaction lead to what could be millions of deaths.

“Is this what we have become?” That was probably it. The Light probably dials up his empathy to 1000. Sometimes that is a strength, sometimes it is a weakness. In this case, I think being tied down with moral conundrum when you KNOW precisely how you can get an answer, is weakness.

And I don’t think it’s headcanon. I think it is a completely valid interpretation of the lore, and I have explained why. There is no evidence to suggest the whispers Alleria is hearing are external. And if anything, everything we know about the Light and the Void is that it is magic directly impacted by the thoughts and emotions of the wielder. So, I am inclined to accept that as the null hypothesis before accepting that it is some external voice.

Keep in mind as well, that when Alleria first met Sylvanas as an undead, those whispers told her to kill her. If she had, Teldrassil would still be standing. So put yourself in her shoes, what are the consequences of inaction? In the case of the orc mother, the consequence of inaction is a failure to capture the Dark Ranger. Who is actively aiding in the plots of a war criminal who’s goal is to specifically cause as much death as possible.

Not really… An individual’s thoughts can be wrong. The Light lies for the same reason. Case in Point, the purging of Stratholm.

Furthermore, people’s reactions to something doesn’t make something dishonorable. It is thankless and ugly work, but it is saving lives. The weak might not recognize the value, but their opinions don’t matter. The point remains that they can continue living their lives because someone had the strength to do what needed to be done.

Same thing with the Light. Not sure why this means it is dishonorable and inherently evil.

It might make you uncomfortable. But at the end of the day, Alleria saved people. That is all that matters.

We killed N’zoth. There is no significant Void entities left on Azeroth.

No, it doesn’t. It just makes you uncomfortable. That doesn’t make it evil. Again, Alleria saved lives. You would have lost lives.

And the result was a timely retrieval of the information hey needed, and that much closer to stopping a known War Criminal from doing who know what horrible thing.

You are just making declarative statements based upon shallow notions of good and evil. “It make people feel bad, it must be wrong.” That’s extremely basic, and not at all capturing the nuance of the situation.

Alleria saved lives. That is noble.

No time for that. Not when they are on Sylvanas’ trail. When time is of the essence, convenience matters. The Horde can get butt hurt and lose another war about it later.

It is far more honorable than letting inaction lead to unnecessary death.

It isn’t in the real world, but in this case, it objectively was more effective than anything else they attempted.

It is weird because you have a very black and white sense of morality, but you play the very obviously morally ambiguous faction…


Night elven pot, meet kettle.


But they totally should have just attempted the more effective and less painful stuff. Seems like step one of ‘we need to search for someone’ in Warcraft would be including a mage and priest.

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There is no nuance in the situation. If the script were flipped and Horde was torturing Alliance civilians there would be at least 6 different threads by Alliance posters (most of which would be Night elf and or draenai posters) complaining about how the Horde is still the same and that the ends doesn’t justify the means.



Imagine defending waterboarding as a legitimately good and moral tactic lmao.


Probably because it’s just Par for the Course for the Horde. We wouldn’t even be surprised if the roles were reversed.

The only reason Turalyon and Alleria are getting so much attention is because it’s such a step out of the norm (and out of character) that it’s noteworthy. Yet the Horde are screaming, hooting and howling about how “evil” the Alliance is, it’s almost comical.

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And yet we have Alliance posters saying that because it’s Alliance doing it that it isn’t bad at all. They literally say torture, in this case, is noble.

Horde did a thing = evil
Alliance does the same thing = noble

That’s the complaint here.



Almost as comical as the Alliance hand waving and white washing.



First, they weren’t harboring criminals.
Second, cops don’t torture people for information.
Thirdly, the consequences of withholding information from authorities isn’t torture.
Fourthly, the civilians were not on trial and not beholden to the Alliance for anything.



I haven’t seen anyone say any such thing

Because your Alliance blinders are on.



Yeah well, that’s not “Alliance blinders” so much as I stopped reading Akiyass’s posts a while back.

It looks deliberately manipulative to be sure. It doesn’t seem like something your supposed to come away feeling good about.
RIP Turalyon I guess.

Agree to disagree, but I get the sentiment


You know what? That’s fair.



It is true you didn’t claim “nothing wrong”, you used a subset of the meme where you minimize what the Alliance has done, but that uses the same justifications.

On resisting arrest, the Alliance had no justification arresting people on a racist basis in first place (which alone is ethnic cleansing), had no right to kill people for resisting unlawful arrest, and still also killed people for the crime is taking their own money out of the bank.

If you take over a neutral city during a time of war, you don’t have the right to commit ethnic cleansing.

And your falling to Goodwin’s law (some will always make a comparison to Hitler) doesn’t help. The idea that German was not “evil” in World War does sudden make Allied propaganda correct, no mater what Hitler did.


Because they joined the Horde.

Though the Alliance can have Baine. He’s basically Alliance anyways.

Probably good advice. Thanks.

Too much “Yay we stopped Sylvanas’ plans”, but no “You know…we did good in the end, but doing that still feels wrong” for them.

No. Baine’s fine where he is, thanks. Just because you don’t like that he’s friends with Anduin or that he does the right thing instead of following derpchiefs doing derp things doesn’t make him “Alliance”.

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