Why don't Tauren join the Alliance?

There is no honest debate with you. If you had actual quotes, links, references, etc to back up your claims (well mostly anti-claims) you’d have posted them a long time ago and you wouldn’t crop out others’ responses to rob them of context before responding to them. You’re not even responding directly to me in the thread.

And I definitely don’t expect you to be able to see examples of racism or racist tropes in WoW’s race coding. Afterall, you can’t see any of the real world parallels with the following.

  1. Practice a religion called 'Voodoo" that is chock full of references to West African and derived religions.
  2. Speak with an African inspired accent
  3. Have temple cities featuring Precolumbian stone pyramids, are said to ritually sacrifice their foes, and they wield macuahuitl-style weapons.
  4. Travel about in outrigger canoes, triangular shaped sail boats, wear tiki masks and live in Polynesian style stilt houses.
  5. Fill all the same narrative role in WoW that indigenous natives fill in turn of the century adventure stories. I.E. that of primitive war-like savages living in ruin-filled jungles, where hunt and potentially eat/sacrifice brave explorers and treasure hunters- when they aren’t being driven back….

You’re also someone who, when confronted with a character that kills a bunch of harpies saying…

And think it’s not expressing any kind of in-game fantastic racism. That such a thing is “the laziest argument I have ever heard and not even worth the time.”

Or in another thread, when discussing the impact of slavery and racism on people of African descent in the US, you try to compare it to the history of racism West Africans give people of European Descent based on Barbary Coast piracy.

But there’s a lot of people who unfortunately think racism begins/ends with swastikas and clan hoods. This is sadly not the truth.

No, I’m just saying Blizzard has a disproportionate Night Elf focus - along with Humans and Orcs, but they’re at least the OG races… More specifically, that Blizzard likes to specifically create or frame situations where aggression against Night Elves is treated as being wrong/bad in a way that it isn’t when it comes to violence against many other less popular races.

You’re the one trying to conflate it into me stating that Blizzard would never do anything bad to them, and always gives Night Elf fans exactly what they want.

The past two storylines in which the Warchief goes crazy and starts on the warpath begin with fighting with Night Elves in Northern Kalimdor. And before that, it was the Orcs that got hopped up on demon juice. The race that’s currently clear cutting Azshara (Goblins, especially Gallywix) are not treated sympathetically for it at all. BfA isn’t the only example of Night Elf suffering being played for tragedy or being used to spur the good/right characters to act against the bad/wrong ones. It’s just the most blatant and high profile example.

The maturity rate of dragons and trolls is a progression from that of a child to that of an adult, accompanied with an increase in size and age. Blizzard doesn’t give exact ages for any children in game, and instead identifies them via model size and naming, Most commonly by using smaller models calling them “whelps”. WoW uses smaller relative size to the adult model, combined with the term “whelp” exclusively to refer to children and never to adults. That is an objective truth in the game and lore.

A child wielding weapons, armor, and crying death threats is still a child. More tragically, they’re a child soldier. Blizzard wrote a scenario featuring child soldiers in which we’re sent out specifically to kill them like it’s the most regular thing in the world. That’s messed up.

RP’ers pick races based largely on aesthetics too. Humans/Elves aren’t far and away the most popular RP races simply because they’ve had the best/richest story in WoW. And all RP has taken a nosedive in BfA compared to when it started and countless guilds/communities/servers have dropped in activity. But Night Elves remain among the most popular races.

Like I said before: Yes, Void Elves are absolutely part of Blizzard’s clumsy attempt to pander to fans of Blood Elves particularly those who wanted to play them on Alliance rather than on the Horde. I mean as far as many people are concerned, they’re still not enough like Blood/High Elves. And if/when Blizzard decided to have Void Elf content that’s all about Quel’thalas, Kaelthas, the Troll Wars, and Magister Umbric’s family, that’d totally double as Blood Elf content and alongside High/Void Elves.

I agree with you on that point.

And as I said before: It’d be awesome if Blizzard expanded more on what Night Elves stuff to things that’ve happened since then, but all that stuff involving Tyrande, Malfurion, Illidan, Azshara, the War of the Ancients (or its repeats), the Kaldorei Empire, Cenarius, the Emerald Nightmare, Ysera, etc is absolutely Night Elf related content. It’s also why so many people were surprised and upset with Nightborne going Horde. They thought they’d go Alliance because, you know, Night Elves.

Taraulyon got over it pretty quick because his initial reaction was to call Illidan a betrayer and try and strike Illidan down. He stopped trying to strike Illidan down and stopped treating him like a betrayer and and instead went back to working alongside him on the Vindicaarr.

Also, Tyrande and Malfurion aren’t the only other heroes in WoW. Illidan works with Khadgar, Velen, Thrall and others. Illidan’s is Blizzard’s segway into more Night Elf lore due to his history as a member of the Kaldorei empire and as a member of the Moon Guard, which is explored in the expansion.

The lore tries to paint her in the best light and tries to make it the Troll’s fault for picking a fight, but she’s still expanding into territory that’s not hers, built homes there, had her troops killing trolls, and eventually territory that was once part of the trolls was now hers.

That the text itself tries to white wash it is exactly what I mean by Blizzard framing opposition to Night Elves as being bad/wrong and specifically creating situations to try and make the player feel better about Trolls getting genocide/displaced.

Just as you and I have noticed that despite Blizzard constantly portraying Anduin and Stormwind as being reasonable and not interested in conquest, they’re end actions are still those of an imperialist hegemony. They did the same with the Kaldorei Empire, only Azshara’s campaign included a lot more killing and outright taking land for herself.

You can’t have a Damsel in Distress if the you’re being framed as a bad/wrong person that the story doesn’t encourage you to care about. Just being in distress doesn’t make a character a Damsel in Distress. The villain has to cause the distress, thus spurring the heroes to action.

That Night Elves, of all the races in WoW, are the ones that repeatedly get attacked in order for Blizzard to tell us who the good/bad guys in a conflict are.