Why don't players like timers?

Timers (specifically m+) provide additional challenge. The additional challenge is rewarded with better loot and an increase to your key level.

The game isn’t forcing you to complete the key on time, so you don’t have to follow the timer if you don’t want to…


Because it’s a go-go-go mentality that I don’t like that’s why


But you don’t have to follow the timer… and it seems like there are enough of your type of non-timer gamers that you can specifically say in your run “not trying to time the key, just want to complete”…


People tend to abandon key if they’re about to fail the timer. The poor quality and quantity of loot probably isn’t helping there.


If the key didn’t drop a level for completing the dungeon that would be valid.

You either gogogogog or you lose. It’s not fun. Without the timer I would say “you don’t have to plod slowly if you don’t want to”


They increase stress while play but more importantly, they’ve severely damaged how people do instances even while not on Mythic + and caused a lot of friction in guilds and groups.


Because you can’t AFK for emergencies and everyone is stressing out about it.

The m+ leavers are because of the timer.


Well, some people like to take it slow…to enjoy their coffee and all. They think clearing the content = success.

Which can be true? But the fights have to be brutally hard that you can’t tunnel your face through them.


To me only add prrassure to an ambiance that is very preassure heavy.

Like m+ people are already worried about performing well, add to that s timer and now the challange now becomes a boring mess of aoe.

At least on lower end keys, when you arent or need to be that preassured, or rushed. Timer only make it worse.

But for high end keys 11+ and to 90+ if you want, have tiemers go for it you already are on fire, you know the figth to mecanically perfection, so you only need now to have perfect executions.

Timers are fine on the higher end, not the the lower


The key dropping is the way the game helps you as the player get better. Its not going to continually increase the key level if you are incapable of timing the key, that would just be counter intuitive.

The timer fails, the key drops 1 level, you do it again and you time that key to push it back up a level or higher. Your skill improves, your confidence improves, and you are able to push the key higher the next time.

  • bad at game
  • might have to leave unexpectedly
  • freaked out by seeing numbers decreasing

I just don’t like timers. Period. It isn’t like I want to drag my butt, I don’t want to wait for cooldowns every pull, I just don’t want to FEEL rushed. I haven’t liked them since arcade cabinets, I’m not hating on this little WoW mechanic. The only timer I’m interested in having is a clock that tells time. Keep anything else.


If I wanted to do things on the clock, I could just go back to the office.


Putting a timer on something is the laziest form of adding challenge.


Just wish there was a middle ground…
have an option to have the M+ be timed or not…

Just spit balling it here

  1. An untimed m+ key only goes up one level

  2. Untimed m+ key maybe has 4 to 5 ilvls less in great vault etc

But honestly if they just leave it timed I won’t shed any tears either…but would be nice to have options imo


As already said I’d rather not deal with the go, go, go and feeling that what I’m mostly doing in a dungeon is feeling like I’m running to just keep up and not make the other group members mad.

If I wanted to deal with timers I’d just go back to work, since I work in a lab basically everything I do is on a timer with things that have to be done before those timers finish.

I’m playing the game to relax and not deal with that.


Thats fair. I can understand just people don’t like timers in general.

What would be your solution to keeping 5 man dungeon content relevant through an entire expansion then?

I’ve always hated timers since wayyy back in the 90s playing Die Hard on the playstation


The 4 other players are Then don't group with players like that Kaurmine I won’t, I won’t group for M+ at all :slight_smile:


So then don’t participate in M+ content then?

No one is forcing you to participate.

M+ was added to the game to make dungeon content relevant through the entire expansion, otherwise it would only be raid content after you got your 184 ilvl loot from the base mythic dungeons.

some people just don’t like Pressure.
Personally its one of my favorite things