Why Don't I Feel Hyped for The War Within?

If you plan on quitting can I have your gold plz

Yes, wife’s account has it.

What does RTS have to do with anything story related?

WoW isn’t an RTS?

And you did every zone and the max level campaign within 5 hours on there?

Like I said, it’s pretty clear you just stand around a lot. Nothing wrong with that, by the way, I’m sure the scenery is nice to look at lol.

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So because WoW isn’t an RTS it can’t have story, or because it isn’t it has a story?

You’re the one that brought up an RTS in a discussion about an RPG, not me lol.

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That wasnt answering my question XD

But honestly even if you did say yes i wouldnt believe you so i guess it doesnt make a difference haha

Exactly, and you would still be wrong lol.

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Hey if youre just that amazing that you can do all that within 5 hours… good for you i guess.

(Still dont believe it for a second though XD)

Fun fact: you don’t have to be amazing at anything to get through the WoW campaign lol.

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I asked about a story, specially saying to ignore the gameplay. You are the one dead set on if a story is tied to an RTS or not.

No, you literally brought up Warcraft 3, an RTS in a discussion about WoW, an RPG lol.

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I learned my lesson from the Plunder pirate thing. Don’t read about it Don’t watch vids on it, Don’t pay attention to any of the hype, chatter or any other bla bla bla, Don’t even look at pictures of it.

That said, what I do now like I do with things in real life is just JUMP INTO BLINDLY and what WHAT WILL BE WILL BE of it from a whisper to a scream. :no_mouth: :scream:


At the speeds youre claiming however…

But hey, you think im slow.
I think youre a liar.

Maybe in a few weeks someone can drag this thread back up and say whats what lol

Probably not the best thing to do because you can speedrun it a lot faster lol.

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Sure :stuck_out_tongue:

You do realize it is roughly the same as DF and people were already hitting max level in DF in like 4 hours, right?

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I did, we were discussing build up in story, something early WoW leaned on heavily for it’s story by what Warcraft 3 built. Again story story story.

An RPG or RTS doesn’t change the story.