Why don't I enjoy wow anymore?

Wise. I’m still stuck between not being able to enjoy it because I’m playing to be competitive instead of getting immersed in the game like a decade ago. No kids, 40’s, content but restless. Meh, I have no idea.


It takes time and I feel like you’ll always keep learning new things about yourself.

I don’t think anyone is meant to have a complete answer, but I think at least checking in with yourself from time to time is good. See whether you’re satisfied, be it with a game, or people, or any other hobby and then adjust accordingly. Then also check if you’re burning out, or avoiding something important that needs to be done. It’s a lot to think about, so just take it slow.

It’s definitely not about getting old or “becoming an adult” IMO.

Things change, games change, our mindset changes more often than we realize. You may hate shrimp now but 3 years later decide shrimp is your favorite food. We change, but it isn’t because of adulthood, it’s just that life is a constant state of change.

And some games fit some states better. I’ve had times in my life where I played CoD religiously and followed every new release and couldn’t see my life without CoD - in fact it depressed me heavily to even think about that. And now I don’t even touch CoD. Could I come back in the future? Sure.

There is one thing that changes with age though - our tolerance for BS. BS like getting our time wasted - since we have less of it. If I come home after a 12 hour shift and have one hour before I have to sleep and go to my next 12 hour shift, I want to spend that hour meaningfully.

Unfortunately WoW was designed to waste your time doing absolutely nothing. In that one hour, I’d be lucky if I get invited to anything at all, hundreds of applications to M+ and can’t get into any, same with raids. Same with really anything. WoW disrespects that time because if I sit down and play WoW and only have one hour, I’ll most likely get nothing done at all in that time. Heck, even if I just wanted to do LFR, the queue itself is one hour.

WoW is just a very inaccessible game unless you have tons of hours of free time to just sit down and try-hard something. It’s casual unfriendly, and being an adult with a job pretty much puts you in the casual group.

The game was designed around the 1% of sweaty people who play 24/7 and that’s fact. The best rewards come from that, Gladiator unique FOMO mounts, Mythic raid clear mounts, etc. In short, the carrot at the end of the stick just simply seems impossible to get for most of us who don’t have all day to play - so what’s the point in trying?

Until the devs decide to respect the casual playerbase - the 99% of players that keep this game barely afloat, this game will stay the same.

Honestly my best advice is to simply move on to something that respects your time more.

It’s kinda weird but i came back after a longer break and am enjoying it more than i thought I would. Maybe it’s because i have a few goals in mind to get done before the next xpac. Without something you want to pursue i can see how this game would feel ‘blah.’

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it has changed - still play but it is not as fun

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