Why doesn't Blizz want people to play?

Yea i dont think that they are on point with what players enjoy… making things harder is a way to make people quit, like the old nintendo games lol


I’m not feeling very pushed away, tbh. :man_shrugging:t5::man_shrugging:t5::man_shrugging:t5:

I’m letting my time expire soon as well. The timegate systems don’t respect player effort or progression. It’s not a good experience.

I’ve been doing gold to token to time, since it was never worth the sub anyways. Antagonistic design where the devs see it fit to troll players with being put in severe loot timeout is not something I monetarily reward.

I’ve put more money into marvel rivals skins this month than to blizzard the past 2 years.


Yea brother. I just bought 4 copies of Pantheon for my old Grobbulus guildies and we’re loving it. The MMORPG market is slowly healing from the WoW clone era thank God.

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RPG Design 101 is that rewards should be commensurate to the challenges overcome to obtain them.

M+ was a gravy train of free loot and violated that model, with predictable long-term results. There’s still more work to be done, but it’s a start.

Monty Haul games never last, we’ve known that for 50 years.


This is, unironically, the best advice.

If the game is so awful and terrible then stop playing it, stop paying for it, stop posting about it, stop giving it attention.

Go play something else and give someone else your money and time.

But of course, nobody here is gonna do that because they would rather farm forum clout making threads about a game that they hate playing.


I mean, it managed to do pretty well back when only ~1% of the playerbase got to meaningfully engage with the endgame.

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I am old and like dumb downed content. I do not want to research things all the time. There shouldn’t be 50 different types of dungeons/raids etc. Too complicated for us dummies.

Difference, challenging content is okay. It’s a choice to do it or not. Make the content so hard that you feel permanently destroyed. Then let that whining start.


broodtwister and princess aren’t that bad tho, princess fight is entirely learned by like 60% hp.

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Hey man, I’m content with LFR and delves.

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What if I like both modes of play? What then? =-( Sometimes I like face-rolling, sometimes I like try-harding.

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My sub IS pulled. Seems like several others posting here are in the same boat. I’m just out here trying for one last ditch effort to save the game I’ve stayed loyal to for 20 years, until now.


I dunno but I’m glad I’m not the one trying to design a game for so many different types of players!


Low T


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I feel it’s more the lack of polish on a lot. They did too many changes for M+ at the same time. This is still one of the most nerfed season of M+ so it’s not like they didn’t try to make it easier same as +8 dropping gilded.

Nerubar palace tuning wasn’t perfect but also wasn’t too hard, it was heavy back ended because the 4 first were way too much easy. Tindral was a problem in Amirdrassil, but there’s nothing like Tindral in nerubar palace.


Didn’t the “squish” happen last expansion?

S4 isn’t a real season to me :slight_smile:

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Final season of DF, yeah.

It’s not a real season to anybody but Blizzard keeps shoving them down our throats anyway.