Why does Maldiva think

It’s not that arenamate is particularly good data, but it’s all the data we have left with the death of… that 3v3 tracking site that had comps in it. I can’t even remember the name.

While representation isn’t a perfect statistic, it’s a whole lot better than “nuh uh, X class is good/bad cuz I think so”. Or even worse “cuz everyone thinks so”

Warlock :heavy_check_mark:
1750 max exp✔
Calls other people bad✔
Rides maldiva✔
Did I miss anything?


I’m cool with drain life being gutted and all of locks dots being buffed by 50%. I’d also be ok if they made it so UA lasted longer on a target did more damage but couldn’t stack.

Destro was really bad prior to the buffs, it excelled at punishing people who decided to tank infernals for 5+ seconds while the destro free casted to stack a buff that increased damage by 8% per shard to 8-10 stacks.

Fire/Destro was strong for sure, easy comp to play above 2800~ last season, largely because lock throws frag out on kill target and mage 100-0s something, eventually the destro might connect with big bolts as well.

Destro RLS had thug sitting at 2600 mmr on his alt, and losing.

Destro Ret went pretty well for him I think, hitting 28/29~ MMR, but I’d again assume that a large portion of that worked similarly to the fire counterpart.

Regardless, destro being tanky is kind of boring and dumb, they can be squishy, just need tools like howl, baseline port, stuff like that to make them outplay prone rather than the maldiva “I sit on a pillar for 12 minutes playing demo splay because all i know how to do is poop out instants on repeat until i eventually win due to attrition.”

Edit* MLP destro variant last season was really good, my post is talking about shaman variants that were far more annoying and difficult to play.

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Boomkin/Ele is totally fine. Boomkins are fine. Starsurge is fine. Lightning Lasso is fine. Earth shock crits are fine. You guys are just exaggerating, have fun. Enjoy BFA.

its weird how no actual good players think locks are good or even ok, but all you hear from the normies is “i got 1 shotted by a lock in my 2200 mmr game so locks are really good!”

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It’s kinda weird to see various melees complain about destruction warlocks but if their spec mechanic would revolve around having to pop a 3 minute cd and then stack a +damage modifier that is easily interrupted/pseudo interrupted or lined the forums would be on fire with complaints.


imagine a world where melee had to use their brains lmao


is 2400 achieved LMAO

See literal 3k players get dunked on by Destro Warlocks on stream all the time. Trust me, they pillar the infernal, but it’s not like there aren’t two other people on your team to help you get casts off. That said, I wish they gave you more of your old toolkit back as baseline abilities and made the class in general less gimmicky.

That goes both ways. I watched Beans stream (he played feral) and all night long they faced a mls (forgot the name of the lock but was primal glad) and the destro was constantly at 10% health or got flat out deleted in seconds.

I know. I’m more pointing out how ridiculous it is whenever I see statements about how X, Y, or Z ability is obvious and easily played around. It may be obvious, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that there aren’t a lot of situations where the “easily countered burst” can and will land.

Well the game is full of gimmicky things so people arguing about how to deal with them is pretty typical I’d say

In some way it’s always been that way but it seems magnified now with the way things are designed

yea man warlocks are running rampant in the 3k bracket… all 2 of them! btw r1 is almost 3400 atm… so 3k is literally 400 cr below the highest rating.

If you compare warlock in a vacuum they might seems strong, but when you compare it to similar specs like Boomkin and Shadow priest you start to see the flaws and weaknesses.


or when you compare it to literally any other spec


I mean thugonimcz thinks destro is good and hes pretty high on ladder. Maldiva I haven’t seen since legion maybe he just hasn’t adjusted to bfa yet and isn’t use to having to use ur brain slightly more then in legion.

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I’m pretty sure “Currency Michael” Maldiva knows more about warlock than any of you guys, so I think we should all just appeal to his authority. I mean, he drives a mustang, I think he’s doing just fine without your input.

yea maldiva flirted with a 15 year old egirl on stream few years ago its a no from me


no…no he doesnt… ive watch him all expac and he is constantly talking about how terrible locks are…

yea the warlocks just arent used to these skilled expacs like you 200 iq melee players LMAO…