Why does Maldiva think

Warlock is still bad for whatever reason destro locks actually one shot atm Aff lock is in a good spot despite it getting tunnel’d down by turbo ig don’t ever see demo played so can’t judge it. LOL and he also thinks ele shaman is fine. I’ve seen elementals lasso someone then earthshock them for the rest of their health which is a bit absurd since u can’t do anything about it. anything to make something more stupid by denying it is actually fine.


Because he is biased and was baby’d by the past 25 seasons of locks being Tier 1 so he thinks thats the norm and anything less is unviable


Probably because they still aren’t very good. They’re just tankier against certain physical damage specs now.

Affliction (the iconic rot spec in the game) has weaker rot than spriest and boomkin. Unstable affliction in 8.1 after the nerf is an actual joke, does around 8k damage when dispelled.

Affliction is still the only spec in the entire game without a single instant cast cc or slow, while boomkin and spriest have 2-3 each. The toolkits aren’t even close to being fair, with warlocks still being way overpruned. This could be remedied if locks were given back baseline port but apparently blizzard disagrees

The ONLY kill potential affliction has is with triple drain life trait. Decent players shut it down instantly and even a full drain now does a little more than half of someone’s hp. If left to free cast still have nearly 0 potential to setup kills alone, whereas boomkin and spriest can setup kills as well as have on demand burst with incarns and void form

Demo still has to hard cast too much to be good into double melee, and is now squishier than affliction and destruction with demon armor

Destruction can only 1-shot players that are either ignorant to how the game works or just have low awareness in PvP


If you think someone can line two 1 second cast chaos bolt’s you are actually crazy the moment u run out of kicks or stuns for them u better hope u are already by the pillar on a side note alot of destro’s run with fire mages so you have to shut down 1 caster that can already one shot while the other one can 1 shot takes kick the bolt to a whole another level When you already have to shut down gpyro’s. Aff lock seems way harder to kill then what it was but that’s probably because I don’t run turbo or their other partner is more important to focus.

The damage increase from summon infernal to chaos bolt has to stack up, it doesn’t instantly increase the damage by a huge percentage. As soon as infernal is summoned just run for the pillar until it’s over. Destruction has terrible mobility and the infernal cooldown is long enough where you should always have a defensive cooldown to trade for it in a worst case scenario


All of the locks I fight never even use infernal as if they don’t even know what it is it’s like they just do constant damage the whole match =/

So, in this thread:

  • Scrubs thinking they know better than one of the best players in the game
  • “The objectively worst class in the game is actually really good, but Lock players are just worse at the game than everyone else”
  • “It’s ok for Locks to be trash because they used to be good” schoolchild levels of logic

Anything I missed?


thats just it

maldiva doesnt think


Imagine being a DK and being scared of a Warlock.



Affliction doesn’t have it anymore but infernal is a large part of destructions dmg you’re either winning too soon or dying to 3k incinerate Fillers and 19k bolts if you don’t see infernal vs destro

locks while not as strong as usual have not been ‘unplayable’ this whole time
i’ve seen destro teams at 23 24 25 26 27 since before the buffs
not even rarely i saw destro 1 out of every 10 games in any rating bracket

i saw 0 eles, 0 sub rogues, 1 single MM hunter

even right now i’ve seen demo enhance high
i’ve seen destro/anything high
i’ve even seen frost/aff and spriest/aff be hard to deal with

the only thing that needs a slight buff might be affs UA dispel and UA in general

but assuming those changes are gonna happen gate z axis gates need to be fixed
massive bug that makes mugumbala pretty much an auto win for any lock with 1/3rd a brain


Why reply to my post with a quote that I didn’t say? Even if they aren’t unplayable, they are objectively the worst class in the game.

objectively as a class they’re no worse than hunters

sv is a little better than destro

mms a little worse than aff

bm is alot worse than demo


Save grip… wowzer

never complained that they were too good or that there was no outplay available never even complained that dk has a hard time against destro because i dont for a second believe that

obviously dk/any shaman spec probably have the easiest time dealing with destro specifically

i’m just saying destro is NOwhere as bad as every fotm end legion lock wants to believe

realizing that destro was the most disgusting spec in the game last season and the only reason alot of people got rating is a hard pill to swallow

also you’re def speaking at me wrong if you’re assuming i’m on a crusade against warlocks i’ve played lock 400 points higher than ur best heckinduggo i dont want non destro locks to be bad


No, that’s SUBjectively and that’s your opinion.

OBjectively Warlock has half the representation of Hunter at 2k+.

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that factually will change in the coming weeks

not necessarily against hunter specifically but lock representation will climb

also representation is a pretty challenger esque argument for a specs viability

You jus used representation in your last post tho lol

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That is so 100% on point. Against a decent team that knows how to utilize los/their interrupts and pseudo interrupts affliction damage sinks to 1/3 of what it would be against a bad team and pressure / kill windows are near impossible to create unless the enemy team makes a major mistake. 8 second dispel and dps having remove curse also doesn’t help.


has nothing to do with %tile representation was personal experience

looking at arenamate and saying
well theres only 50 dh, must not be good! is stupid