Why does LFR drop gear?


Because, allowing you clowns to faceroll your way to raid gear invalidates everything leading up to that LFR… It’s one of several pieces that have gutted WoW’s progression system.

It drops gear specifically to make people like the OP cry.
Your tears, so delicious.


A better question is why does Mythic Raids drop gear? Seems counter intuitive to make the hardest raid level easier. At least the goal is to get undergeared players into normal. But why give gear on mythic raids?

Good question.

Wrong thread though.

Because part of the experience is the reward for completing the encounter.

To annoy you.

Feels good man!

So wanna-be elitists will come ask stupid questions in the forums…

badge gear been there since TBC. was in Wrath too. at WOWs highest point