Why does everyone want to dps?

Bring back gladiator stance and you’ll see a million tanks overnight.

Me too, especially since most of them spend less time having fun and enjoying the discussion vs making passive aggressive and snide comments. :yellow_heart: If you dislike the post, simply be an adult, express your opinion, and add to the discussion. You might find communication, or lack there of, is a problem elsewhere for you, and not just here.

Because there’s a ginormous responsibility upon the Tank and Healer’s shoulders. The former has to keep order, know the route. The latter has to keep people alive and dispel. DPS, you simply follow, interrupt, smacky-smacky.
For me though, I provide some healthstones, soulstones, I learn mechanics pretty fast, and can usually repeat them for noobs.

That’s rich coming from you. Who routinely only pops up to be like, -“well actually :nerd_face::point_up_2: you’re wrong because…”

I don’t want the stress of being a tank, don’t mind healing though. My main reason for dpsing though is just because I love playing retribution so much. That’s the real reason plain and simple.

I’ve also seen a lot of people be toxic to tanks and healers and usually more tanks than healers. I try to give feedback and suggestions. When i see people just calling the tank names it sucks.

You show me ONE thread where I say that specific quote… and I will BUY you, and every other person who appears to dislike me the top end edition of Midnight when it drops. I may have comments, and I might have ideas, but you are mixing me up with about 8 other pedantics who love to correct everyone… on everything.

Does this count??
Edit: no need for the fancy edition

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:rofl: (Negativeghostrider.bmp) The only time I ever used that phrase… IN CONTEXT… was in a thread where I clapped back at some pedantic who was insistant on correcting everything I said down to the most miniscule detail. Whether it was to get under my skin, an attempt to just be a Richard, or some failed attempt to make me look stupid in the thread? Who knows, and frankly who cares. When I have an opinion, I will blend into the conversation, and not go straight for the individual. However, if enough replies pass and they are still just looking for a fight… I give them one.

As for this topic, I expressed my opinion on DPS, and people are welcome to change it with facts and evidence. But swaying my vote via hyperbole or anecdotes never works.

I don’t have dependable pc to make this game run without lag so I can’t heal or tank in good faith. Maybe tank. Not heal tho.

Those specific words? Not sure. I’m not going to spend hours wading through your ramblings since you post literally over 100 times a day. But the following is one of the many examples of you being petty.

There are hundreds more like this, but there aren’t enough hours in the day for me to sort through every thing you post.

I’ve never had a fan on the forums before. Nice to see you follow my work. Although, in this post, you did not include the person baiting and trolling in their 3 previous posts. This was not my initial reaction to them. If you want to go back and scroll up to the start of that conversation, it will show the WHOLE truth.

So this person was baiting, and trolling, cause I suggested something as innocuous as this:

I don’t clap back til I am pushed…

Champ, I’ve seen you start flaming people for the weirdest things. You’re either a committed troll, intentionally contrarian, or have a massive ego. Either way, don’t sit on your throne and pretend that you’re not one of many rude resident posters.

I like big… numbers and I can not lie
You other brothers can’t deny

Oh, I am far from perfect, and yeah, I have rolled into many threads, dropped a very unpopular opinion, and started all out brawls. I am not innocent. So if you are going to paint me as the bad guy, at least quote the right threads, like the M+ stuff where even Blizz UNHID most of my “flagged” posts cause they agree with me. I am not a victim, I’m a chatter. Sometimes it is mild, sometimes it is spicy, and when it is all out rude, it is because I have a history with that person. But when you compare those 15-20 posts to the other 1197 posts, I am ok with being 2% jerk.

Now let’s get this thread back on track and talk about why people prefer DPS. I’ve offered my opinion. Wanna share yours?

Ok, I just spit my coffee :rofl: Big numbers is SO true, and the fact that you spun a Gnome saying “I like large posteriors and cannot reverrocate”. This is a W post.

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paradon my french, but I switched from maining heals for nearly 17 years, to dps…because I was tired of healing losers who can’t even make an attempt to follow mechanics.

You don’t understand how stupid the average dps is. So I choose to lead by example. I do the mechanics every time. I even accepted the 5% dps loss to have an interrupt lol.


Same reason I stopped tanking in current pugs back in BfA, and never touch M+ since SL. Far less stress when you run with friends and guilds.


I used to mainly heal in dungeons but recently I’ve found healing too frustrating to deal with + I really just want to game and relax so I find it easier to just queue as DPS and watch youtube

In my opinion the levelling dungeons are the worst for this experience. Everyone is just trying to level up as quickly as they can and usually it works out.

Once you hit level 80 and get around to doing mythic plus or raiding, it’s a lot better IME. In higher keys, tanks know when I need to stop for 5 seconds to get mana and DPS won’t be pulling mobs on their own (mostly). You get what you put into it. Sooner or later, you will get a group of like-minded players that you run with instead of pugging constantly. I wouldn’t give up on it yet if you’re wanting to play a healer. The toxicity won’t go away but you’ll eventually rise past the bulk of it.

Levelling dungeons are a whole different experience IMO as the content itself isn’t the focus so much as seeing that purple xp bar move further to the right.

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You have to get into like M+2 and up before people stop chain-pulling everything in the dungeon. Up until then, everybody is just facepulling everything because nearly everybody has heirlooms on and are semi invincible lol.