Why does everyone seemingly hate the breath of sindragosa playstyle?

Well every time I respond you further prove my original point.

You mean when I linked my unholy logs from Castle Nathria that were recorded a week ago? Again, not sure why you consistently make things up.

Lets be honest, you first responded because you thought I was referring to people like you. Now you’re just triggered because you know I’ve proven it with actual data while you simply make things up, but lets keep it going until you can’t handle the embarrassment anymore.

You might need some after we’re done here.

TBF, Atlas once said that the people who hate BoS are people who are bad at BoS :stuck_out_tongue:


They could switch BoS to be something closer to how Bonestorm works on blood, but with idk 1 min CD and make it generate 2-3 runes when used so you don’t get resource starved. Base duration of X, increased by 1 sec for each 10 RP spent when cast. Done.

Damage gon be spitted out, no need to keep that thing running.

I personally like BoS due to all the minmax possibilites. It provides depth which I like.


Yeah i remember that clip, dude speaking nothing but facts. Shame it was taken down or I would’ve linked it in my first post.

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The deep dive Sloots did with Atlas, Miniaug, and Biceps? It’s still up on his youtube channel.

People have posted a ton of valid reasons in this thread for not liking the playstyle while also simultaneously not struggling with it, yet it somehow still ends in “WELL IF U DON’T LIKE IT UR BAD” which is just disingenuous. People can dislike things and still be good at said things across all sorts of hobbies, and it happens all the time.


It was more so as a joke in context and less of “if you don’t like you’re bad”

Atlas’s quote that is

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The resource drain with a variable duration and the related playstyle of trying to maximize BoS windows is the biggest problem I have with it. I shelved my spriest at the same time as I shelved my DK for similar reasons - void form and Breath of Sindragosa. The resource drain feels awful, and it makes it even worse when it’s the main focus of the spec (which was true with Legion/BfA void form and is still true with BoS).

I was so happy when Blizz acknowledged the problem with void form - it baffles me why they didn’t change or remove BoS when it has the same horrendous resource drain playstyle as Legion/BfA void form.

Trying to maximize Breath and void form windows is the antithesis of fun for me. I enjoyed MoP/WoD 2h frost the most and BoS is nothing like it.

Obliteration and Icecap are 2 talents that I am fine with. Without Breath of Sindragosa, frost DK is one of my favorite specs in the game. Breath of Sindragosa completely ruins frost for me.


They probably didnt change or remove BoS because its a talent and not a core aspect of the spec. You arent stuck with it like Shadow was stuck with Void Form.

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I can’t stand BoS. Get one mechanic and the 2 minute cd is gone and so is your damage. Im probably not playing it correctly or optizimizing fight mechanics for it but having to do so doesn’t appeal to my style of play. Uh is much more fun to me.


For myself, whatever produces good numbers is best. However when numbers are close, I prefer Unholy > Obliteration > BoS. BoS is very punishing to mess up due to mechanics. As long as unholy is one of the top specs, I do not need to worry about it thou.


Frost needs a redesign, frankly.

Outside of Oblit crits being kinda cool, the spec has been incredibly uninspired and bland for years.


I absolutely hate and disgust BoS. Its the reason why I don’t play frost Dk in pve unless blizzard removes it. I’d like frost 2h be viable in pve or I won’t touch the frost spec in mythics


I’m not saying frost shouldn’t be our main source of damage, but like you said, we are a frost warrior, meaning a MIX of physical and frost.

I love how KM procs adds frost damage to obliterates, I love how Avalanche is a viable talent now and rime procs drops icicles on everyone, frostscythe is probably one of the best looking+sounding+feeling spammable aoe spells in the game, what I don’t like is taking my hands off my keyboard for 40 seconds every 2 minutes because I’m not allowed to use any runic power spending abilities because I’m vomiting mist

When I think of a death knight, I think big, towering attacks, not vomit.


I wouldn’t really say “hate” but you have to wonder does BOS stop further development of Frost dks as a whole? Plus there are some folks who are just burned out over BOS because for periods here and there it was “BOS or die” if you wanted to play Frost.


Seems like it.

It makes you kind of think. Is this where Blizzard is going to stop with frost? Is this what they’re satisfied with and all we’ll see is a damage buff or nerf here and there? This spec has been pretty much unchanged since legion. Yeah, we have 2 hand added again (although, like shadow of death in a nerfed version of what it used to be), but… that’s it…

That’s a good description of BoS. I never thought about it that way before, but it’s true. It also mirrors how I feel about BoS :face_vomiting:


To add one of things that gets me about BOS is what length of time is blizz balancing BOS vs the other talents (except icecap which I guess blizz forgot exists…)? Are they assuming a 30 second bos, 40 second, 50 seconds etc…?

I don’t want to get rid of the skill completely because I know there are people who love BOS playstyle but I wish there would be some kind of rework with it.

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I’d almost find it more fun if it was a 30 second CD…or whatever…and drained your RP quicker…So you’d build up, spend, build up, spend.

More interesting that way to me, plus it doesn’t completely screw you over with mechanics or PvP stuns, etc.

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