Why does chaos bolt

Hit like a wet noodle


Wasn’t tuned to do big damage on Beta either. I think maybe with more vers & mastery gear it could start hitting for larger amounts, however I don’t think I saw big enough individual bolts to where it wiped out more than 50% of someone’s hp.

Why does rogue now hit for over 100k>? I’m so lost on blizzard balance


I can get about 10 chaos bolts off in 15 seconds with infernal and ruin but they literally do nothing

I’d rather not be able to machine gun them out and have the few that I can get off actually do damage


Destro was weird on beta. It did a lot of damage, but it was all cleave and sustained split amongst multiple spells. That new talent which rng auto applies havoc can make them pump but it’s just kinda braindead sustained damage which is really weird for the spec (usually-incinerate has pumped at various times). It still has pressure and isn’t terrible though imo.

Because dark soul was removed and they forgot to tune to the new reality


Ya this is the problem with destro

Make infernal not usable in pvp and buff chaos bolt dmg in pvp

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Is haunt the move max lvl? No idea where to put my talent points rn

Playing warlock on launch against rogues and druids which are always le balanced.

They just need to reduce infernals shard generation in pvp.

Make it cost all 5 shards but hit like a truck and go through immunities again.

They took the nerfed 1shot from SL launch (echoing reprimand & it’s conduit) and turned it into an unnerfed talent. Instead of MA lego you just cold blood for the guaranteed crit. It’s probably technically slightly weaker than the MA version in SL as that guaranteed the other stuff around it to crit too.

don’t worry guys. borrowed power is gone. because we kept it. typical monkeys paw devs

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We like big numbers. Nerf infernal, buff chaos bolt.

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I think you get guaranteed crits outside the evis due to the rotten talent + coldblood. def stronger than before with additional modifiers in the sub rogue tree that makes it super busted.

Yeah there’s plenty of things that do damage with the new talents, some are fun some aren’t.

The big damage that people are likely complaining about is the ehcoing reprimand 1shot that’s going around which mirrors virtually identically SL launch. That’s all I’m trying to highlight.

Yea I think these abilities are great in pve however have to be modified in PVP we need to really attack stuff like this early so we can make sure the season is less brain d than S3 or S1 of SL.

IE Resolve, Ret Divine Toll, Echo Reprimand 1.0, one Shot 2xChaos Bolt, Demonbolt, Vesper Totem, Mindgames S1, Aimed Shot.

It’s looking grim for now as MG 100-0s Echo Reprimand 100-0s and I’m sure plenty of other things 100-0 even in full 411 gear.

Honestly I’ve been loving haunt just because of the talents underneath it. Makes it very satisfying to use since its a nice boost to your dot dmg. Only negative thing about it is you’re utilizing another cast for it, and it can be dispelled - though there’s a benefit for it getting dispelled within one of the talent options. I find it a lot more useful than spamming rapture (I haven’t really looked into the dmg discrepancy between those yet).

If you’re interested this is the build I’ve ran on beta and the one that I’ll probably run once I get my lock to max. Its also the one which I’ve had most fun on (trying my best to avoid picking grim of sac lol), but ideally sac just supplements with a ton of damage that can’t be ignored based on what I’ve heard so its really up to your playstyle.

Affliction Warlock Dragonflight Talent Calculator - 10.0.2 Beta (wowhead.com)

I’ll end up making slight variances of it too depending on solo shuff vs rated arena comps/matchups etc… I like the flexibility that the tree offers though, so I’ll prob end up with a ton of random loadouts which I’ll just use for fun.

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I see you decided to hide your API after I asked the question

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im debating taking dread touch instead

idk how it interacts with triple ua tho

You’ll definitely see a positive gain in dmg. I’m reluctant to go this route because you’re going to be a lot more cast dependent (maintaining x3 UAs on top of x3 raptures to get the most value).

If I’m reading the tooltip for dread touch correctly, its basically giving you the same DoT dmg benefit that haunted soul gives except that haunted soul is basically lasting 18seconds (haunt duration) or until haunt gets dispelled. Malefic affliction sounds neat though, but then it would be reliant on your casting leeway during a match. Haven’t put too much thought into this yet, but I think either works depending on what comp you’ll be playing the most and Ig maybe what comps you’ll be running into.