A Night Elf has to be from Darnassus in order to count as a night elf?
You have every major night elf leader in WC3 present during the Legion campaign, and this doesn’t count because you can’t be certain of the origin for the nameless NPCs?
That’s very weak.
I’ve given you an example where this happens, you quoted it, and are simultaneously saying it doesn’t happen.
The fact that the Night Elves are able to hold their own in an ongoing conflict without Alliance aid is a feat that hasn’t been seen since the beginning of vanilla WoW.
And besides, with the way the war campaign has ended, do you honestly think the Night Elves didn’t become the canonical victors of the Darkshore conflict?
They’re totally getting Darkshore back.
Not scary, because it doesn’t matter. If you want to go by canon the Night Elves have settlements throughout all of Kalimdor. Historically speaking, Darnassus isn’t even their ancestral home.
Even if Gnomeregan began hostile in WoW’s lifespan, all that means is that the gnomes started off on the very bottom rung on the totem pole.
Interspersing your points with attacks on my intelligence doesn’t make you sound smarter, by the way. Let me just say that right now.
And because the characters in Val’sharah did not do exactly what you wanted them to do does not provide evidence that the writers “hate night elves.” Giving them story relevance at all is evidence to the contrary. The Night Elves don’t fail to receive development just because they didn’t have any conversations with Illidan. That’s just nuts.
Varimathras wasn’t even in the game anymore by the time Malfurion was present as an NPC. Varimathras left in Wrath. Malfurion returned in Cataclysm.
You don’t, man. I can keep tearing through them, though. I’ll be a lot nicer about it if you stop with the personal attacks, though. Promise.